[TESTING] Standby mode for Vero 4K


About this: “After installation, it should now be possible to select ‘Suspend’ from the power menu in Kodi. The location of this menu may vary depending on the skin that you are using.”

That’s not exactly what I want? I want the Vero 4K to automatically turn of the signal from the graphic card after 5 minutes. Is that possible on this version?

The power menu in Kodi isn’t something I use that very often…and also, there’s no power button on the remote to use for this…even if it would be possible to use the HOME button for this…

EDIT: The function I talked about is in LibreELEC on my NUC in system settings/Power saving and above the Shutdown function timer, ther is “Put display to sleep when idle” and I can set it to 5 minutes, but I guess I now on Vero 4K should use the Shutdown function timer, and set it to Suspend after 5 minutes?

EDIT2: Well, after 5 minutes it does turn of the display signal. But, I still doesn’t understand why the “Put display to sleep when idle” isn’t there. That way we can have the display turned of after 5 minutes, but the Vero 4K totally shut down after say, 2 hours, if we wanted… =)

EDIT3: I now even waited for me TV to turn of since no signal. When I then press a button on the remote, that isn’t taken as “Wake devices when deactivating the screensaver”, and the TV still was turned off. Before this change, with only the screen saver on, pressing a button would start the TV .

EDIT4: I’ve tried to fix my remote.xml with the


Without any luck. (It would have been great though, since it would have just turned on and off the TV).

I used the suspend command instead, and it’s better than nothing


but to turn the TV off instead would have been better. Anyone knows why the cectogglestate doesn’t work?
