[TESTING] Vero V: IPT colour space conversion

Still seeing this issue [TESTING] Vero V: IPT colour space conversion - #108 by thechrisgregory in the current (26/02/2024) staged repo version, any one found the cause/solution yet ?

Stay tuned.

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After each of the recent updates, none of my DV content works. Am I right in thinking I have to reapply the instructions? I can see staging repo is still in my source list

Can you post grab-logs -a so we can check.

Thanks. Here you go: https://paste.osmc.tv/ahozanidic

Thanks. I just updated and got the same regression. This fixed it for me:

sudo apt-get install --reinstall vero564-image-4.9.269-53-osmc

Will check this shortly.

This should now be solved. Updating again should resolve the problem – thanks for the report.

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Have had a couple of issues with DV files, where some colours are not displaying correctly and a get a shimmer of blues and reds. Can I PM a link to the file?

Sure. Send it to me.

Doesn’t have to be the whole thing, just the bit where you get the artifacts.

For extracts up to 2GB, WeTransfer.com works quite well.

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Thanks for the clip, which had some interesting metadata. The next OSMC release (due any day now) should resolve this.

Great news as had had to put that series on pause. Much appreciated.

Test build or full release?

Testing branch will be merged into full release with Kodi 20.5.

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