WNBC died and the developer is asking me to do this:
I have to go in and change “rename cookies.dat. You can rename it back to cookies.dat after you test”
For WNBC addon not working correctly.
I can do my standard SSH as following directions for changing Mpeg2 but that is as much as I know 
I am a Windows 7 user
But that’s all I know… complete noob in this area Reading you can use FTP , SFTP and WinSCP
Here’s what I have installed on my P.C.
- Putty
is there a user name and password ?
Hoping if someone kind enough could walk me threw it
Here is what happened…
Rickt1962 Wrote:
Alright Got WinSCP interesting program ! Stumbling around OSMC did a search for cookies.dat found in ./OSMC/.kodi/temp/ which the .kodi is a hidden folder. went in and changed cookiestemp.dat rebooted Kodi tried WNBC … Same problem Sad logged back in to check found cookies.dat along side of cookiestemp.dat
learningit Wrote
No idea what’s wrong, but it’s definitely platform related.
So the developer gave up 
Any one here want to take a stab on another file that can be deleted ? WNBC works on a fresh install then the next day it will not stream. So something is being downloaded so the addon can no longer work 
Added info I am in Pennsylvania using comcast