Thumbgen movie sheet support

Hi all,
I’m migrating from my ACRyan PoHD 73100 which i’ve been using since 2009. Its still going, but now refuses to recognise external usb drives.

Anyway, almost 10yr worth of movies all have movie sheets created with thumbgen (Download WDTV ThumbGen® 2023 latest free version | ,and also used by wdtv live player).

Does any1 know if this is supported with osmc/vero 4k?



You shouldn’t need thumbgen, as it looks like it is designed to mimic what Kodi skins do: show you all the information you want to display.

All Kodi scrapers will grab posters and backgrounds (fan art), and you can also download other artwork from (logos, clearart, etc.). For the extra art, you’ll have to use some kind of artwork manager. There is a not very good one as a Kodi add-on (Artwork Downloader), or you can use various apps that download and organize the extra artwork.

I use Media Center Master to organize my artwork, but there are a lot more programs available.

I have about 800 movies, and it only takes about an hour to do a full scrape and download of all artwork for them. That’s a one-time thing…after that, adding a movie takes a less than a minute.

Hi Nabsltd,

Appreciated!! Good to know I can get artwork/sheets for my existing movies. Will test drive once my box lands.
