TP-Link Archer T2U and OSMC

Is there any further update on this?

The solution from @fzinken worked for me too (Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ with TP-Link Archer T1U, running 4.14.34-4-osmc), and I edited the /etc/rc.local with the following lines (corresponding to the VID):

sudo modprobe mt7610u_sta
echo "2357 0105" | sudo tee /sys/module/mt7610u_sta/drivers/usb:rt2870/new_id

Do I need to submit a push request too to get this included in the next update? Thanks!

That would be appreciated

@fzinken - would you point me to the right link to submit the push request? Thank you.

It’s explained here

Thank you!

I have done the instructions of @fzinken with my Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ and the TP-Link Archer T2U using my vendor and product id, I can see the wireless menu but when I enable the wireless adaptor it show me and error pointing me to a log file, dont know where it is.