Troubleshooting uneven playback?

This is stuff we have recorded OTA in HD on TVHeadend. Sometimes there are visible jerks (not talking about certain actors) and dropouts. When I look at the same recording on VLC I instead see intermittent pixelation, but that is far less disturbing. Is there anything I can do?

VLC says H264 - MPEG-4 AVC (part 10) (avc1)

This suggests the file itself is problematic.

I’d verify your signal strength.

Without logs or a sample file however, it’s hard to advise.

That sample file is unfortunately huge. I was more wondering about the different strategies of the two, Kodi and VLC in the presence of interference.

It’s not Kodi versus VLC. It is software decoding versus hardware decoding. If it is only HD (720) then you could disable Hardware Acceleration and see if it behaves like VLC.

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Ah. Good point! Let me try if and when it happens again.