Tv_grab_az_sdjson_sqlite - where to find?

Hi all,
Once again, my EPG is broken and thought I should just pay for Schedules Direct and that would make it easier to get the EPG for my OTA signals into TVHeadend.

From what I have read, in TVH, I go to Configuration → Channel/EPG → EPG Grabber Modules and select “Internal: XMLTV: Schedules Direct JSON API”. Unfortunately, there is no such thing listed there.

I looked through all the addons and could find nothing that resembled this. How do I install it or is there something else that can be used to get the EPG from Schedules Direct?

I think this is a very specific question to Schedules Direct especially since they charge for it.

What about asking in their forum ?

The project GitHub - azlm8t/tv_grab_az_sdjson_sqlite: XMLTV grabber for Schedules Direct JSON service explains a lot … but this is not really OSMC specific.

Fair enough, I’ll see if I can figure it out through there. Thanks for the help.

Report back your findings please

What country are you in? If the website has EPG data for you there is a grabber that works with TVH.

@wbeard52 I’m in Canada and does cover my area. Until recently, I used, which uses, for my EPG needs. I had a hell of a time setting up, but once it was sorted, it was good.

However, the last Kodi update broke it and zap2epg seems to be pretty much abandoned.

As I said, setting it up originally was such a task that I thought maybe going with Schedules Direct would just be worth it for convenience sake, though it doesn’t seem to be the case.

Could you direct me to instructions on how to integrate into TVH? I can’t seem to find anything that is current.

These are the instructions I saved when I set it up awhile ago circa 2018. It is still working well.

Install OSMC and TvHeadend. I am on the October 2018 update with TvHeadend version 4.2.6.

Download the zap2epg zip file from edit4ever’s page on GitHub.

In a terminal window type

sudo wget

Install the addon. From the KODI interface install the zip file by selecting addons à Install from repository à Install from zip file. Locate the zip file and install the addon.

Copy the tv_grab_zap2xml file from the addon bin folder and place into the usr/bin folder.

In a terminal window type

sudo cp ~/.kodi/addons/script.module.zap2epg/bin/tv_grab_zap2epg /usr/bin

Change permissions on the file by typing

sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/tv_grab_zap2epg

Restart the device or restart tvheadend by executing

sudo service tvheadend restart

In KODI, open the addon and follow to prompts to create your schedules. Make sure to select configure settings and type in your username and password for the TVH server.

Run the addon and get the EPG data if you like. The grabber will run it later on.

On the tvHeadend website. Make sure the user has expert view selected in their profile. Navigate to Configuration Channel / EPG EPG Grabber Modules . Find Internal: XMLTV: tv_grab_zap2epg is a simple grabber for USA-Canada and enable it. Be sure to disable the ATSC and PSIP grabbers.

Run the internal EPG grabbers. In the log window, it should say
xmltv: /usr/bin/tv_grab_zap2epg: grab /usr/bin/tv_grab_zap2epg”

After it has finished running it will give you information about the grab in the log window.

On the website, navigate to EPG Grabber Channels and link the EPG data to the proper channel. (It may have mapped it already for you). It can also be done through the Channels Tags page. It may take a couple minutes for TVH to parse through the data and allow you to link the data to the channels. A restart of the device may also allow this step sooner.

Navigate to EPG Grabber and select when you want the grabber to run via CRON.

EPG data should start to show up in KODI. You can point a new browser to your device:9981\xmltv page to see if the data is there. For example:

Go back to the config page for zap2epg and select your options. Change the number of days to a more appropriate value.

This is the grabber I was using that was working fine until recently. Just out of interest, do you not update OSMC when they say there is an update? Maybe that’s my problem. Anyway, in regards to your detailed instructions (thank you!), some questions:

I assume you mean “tv_grab_zap2epg” file from within the zip file downloaded from github.

Nonetheless, trying to copy this file to usr/bin it gives me a permission denied error.

I didn’t get this far because of the permission denied error mentioned above, but what is the symbol at the end of this line?

It may end up being worthwhile going back to an old version of OSMC and just never updating it

I believe he was giving two different ways of grabbing the add-on (either download on a PC and transfer it somewhere Kodi can read or just download it from the terminal to your current folder which would probably be home which you would get to in Kodi via root>home>osmc). You would need to grab this file and then install it in Kodi, and after that you can move that file and do the rest of the things outlined.

You may have missed sudo. I tweaked his post to clean up those commands.

Not part of the command. I removed them

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Unfortunately, I can’t even install zap2epg. It gives me a “failed to install dependencies” error.

As this used to work, I think that this might be an issue of installing Kodi updates breaking this script.

I think I might have to revert to a backup install and maybe follow the “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” adage and not installing updates.

I’m not going to test this as I’ve never used any of this particular setup but a quick search found this pointed to in a thread on Kodi’s forum