Hello. I am confused as how to modify how OSMC handles the TV show naming.
Here’s how I do it: Thisisashow (Ep. x) [1080p].mkv
According to the Kodi Wiki, I have to create a file called advancedsettings.xml. However, I’m not too sure as to where I’m supposed to create that file.
I am using a Raspberry Pi, Model B. Running OSMC/Kodi17.4
Also, if possible, would it be possible to tell me how my configuration would look like using the aforementioned naming convention I use?
As always, a big thanks to all of you who made OSMC possible,
This question would be better asked on the Kodi forums.
The way you are naming your files will not work well, as you have no Season information. Why don’t you just use the proper naming convention?
If you insist on using your custom name, the file is .kodi/userdata/advancedsettings.xml
I chose not to have any season information because each season has it’s own folder.
Where is the kodi folder located? On the root?
Quoting from the Kodi Wiki:
Below the show folder, the files may be organized how you wish, e.g. into separate season folders, or by year. These folders will be ignored.
It needs the season in the file name.
The full path is /home/osmc/.kodi/userdata/advancedsettings.xml
Okay, so using the built-in in file manager, I can go up to /home/OSMC/, then I have four choices: Movies, Music, Pictures and TV Shows. Do I have to manually create that folder. Or am I supposed to be viewing the files from a computer?
You need to edit the file via the command line.
Details regarding how to access the command line interface can be found here on our Wiki: Accessing the command line - General - OSMC
I personally use
showname S0xE0x.mkv
Or to be more precise:
Showname/S0x/Showname S0xE0x.mkv
Yeah, I’m not a fan of this method too much, haha.
What if I did this instead:
Thisisashow (Ep. x) (Season x) [1080p].mkv
Would it work? I mean, once I specify it in the advancedsettings.xml file.
Read the WIki that you linked! That will answer your question.
Sorry, I missed that you had asked about it you had it in advancedsettings
Anything will work, as long as you have the regex correct in advancedsettings.
According to the Kodi Wiki, it is possible to use only one catching group for episodes.
A tvshowmatching regexp needs up to three capturing groups: 1 capturing group = episode number (season will default to season 1), no multi-episode matches will be attempted.
How do I set it so the following type of file naming works in my advancedsettings.xml?
TVShow (Ep. 1) [1080p].mkv
A big thanks to all of you.
Here’s what I tried. Will this work?
<tvshowmatching action="prepend">
<regexp>(Ep. ([0-9]+))</regexp>
As I previously suggested to you, this is not an OSMC question, but something that should be taken up on the Kodi forums.
Alright, I’ll take it there.