2023-10-20 19:49:19.384 T:3714 debug <general>: GetEpisodeList: Searching '[https://api.themoviedb.org/3/tv/94605?api_key=<apikeyremoved>&language=en&append_to_response=content_ratings](https://api.themoviedb.org/3/tv/94605?api_key=%3Capikeyremoved%3E&language=en&append_to_response=content_ratings),credits,external_ids,images&include_image_language=en,en,null' using The Movie Database scraper (file: '/home/osmc/.kodi/addons/metadata.tvshows.themoviedb.org/', content: 'tvshows', version: '3.6.0')
Kodi is identifying the show correctly (94605) and your file layout looks good. I think you just need to switch from the old depreciated TMDB scraper to the current one which is TMDb TV Shows v1.6.5.
Probably not but you could check and see if your using The Movie Database Python 2.1.0 for movies as that is the current default, and prefered scraper for that.