TVHeadend lagging after last update

It is unlikely this caused any damage to the Vero itself. These types of small power supplies tend to degrade over time and do so a bit faster with current draws closer to their rated output. Over time this can lead to a situation where higher current draws can reduce the supplied voltage which can cause errant behavior. By running higher power devices from a seperate power source you help ensure that there is plenty of current available to both devices which should provide a more stable system.

Hello, I’ve installed powered USB hub and reconnected DVB-T2 tuner via the hub. Behaviour of the Vero is still the same :frowning: .
If I had known what the system update would do I wouldn’t have done it.
Now I have the last option which is complete reinstallation. Moreover I don’t believe the reinstallation will help.
What is your opinion?
Thank you.

Most of your configuration can be backed up and easily restored to a clean install of the current version. That is what I would do.

I don’t either. I think you’ve probably got some signal degradation.

If you have another system you could try on that before doing a reinstall


I’ve reinstalled vero and restored settings from the backup.
Now I can’t correctly detect the DVB-T2 dongle.
Within the TVHeadend web interface i see only Realtek RTL2832 (DVB-T)#0: DVB-T #0
The Sony adapter is missing.
Therefore I can’t tune any multiplex.
I’ve tried following:

sudo systemctl stop tvheadend
rm ~/.hts/tvheadend/input/linuxdvb/adapters/*
sudo systemctl start tvheadend

Even after reboot, no effect.
Any idea, how to bring the dongle back to correct state?

Additional edit: all the posters related to movies stored within my NAS disappeared and can’t be updated after backup restore. Could you give me advice how to restore all the posters back?

Try a cold boot – it may bring the device back.


How to make cold boot properly?

Turn the device off at the mains, then turn it back on. The TV tuner may be in a stuck state.

Hi Sam, cold boot solved the DVB-T2 dongle issue.
Thank you.

Now how to bring back all the posters for movies?
When I want to select the poster manually for the respective movie, the “update” option is greyed out.

Thank you

Make sure the source has a scraper set. You may have been using an outdated TMDB scraper or a TVDB scraper that isn’t installed yet. Go to Videos>files> then highlight your source, context menu, change/set context.

You must have not enabled the option to backup and/or restore thumbnails.

Dear gentlemen, I’m sorry but I’m lost.
What is the TMDB scraper, how to check if is already installed and if not, how to install it?
Thank you

You were right, the reinstall didn’t improve the DVB-T2 dongle behaviour.
TV is still lagging.

The scraper is what grabs the metadata from the internet. TMDB is referring to and TVDB, The install will already have the current scrapers for TMDB installed. You can install others from the add-on section and can be found under information providers. When you configure a library source you select what kind of content it contains and then where to get information (the scraper). The missing refresh option is an indicator that you don’t currently have a working scraper set.

Hello gentlemen,

I did my best to start TMDB scraper but I wasn’t successful.
I think something messed up after the backup restore.
Anyway I’ve completelly reinstalled my Vero and set up everything from the scratch.

The TV lagging is still there, the powered USB hub didn’t help, reinstall didn’t help too.
I’ve noticed that the lagging is worse on HD TV channels than on SD ones.

Anyway the behaviour of the DVB-T2 dongle has changend by leap after the update and I feel somehow that you can’t help me through any SW workaround, because from your point of view it is signal quality issue, despite it wasn’t there prior the update (proven by the above mentioned DVB-T2 set-top-box and problem free behaviour of the dongle prior the update).

If anynone from the community experienced similar issue, please let me know what was your solution or what helped. I don’t want to spent more money on a new dongle so I’m considering what to do next with Vero.

Thank you

I don’t think that proves the issue was introduced by an update
If you believe that is the case, then simply install the older version of OSMC you used before and see if the issue goes away…

Dear Sam,

I wanted to make a Vero downgrade but I couldn’t find the install package from year 2021 (that was the last time I’ve done the update till now).
The packages available within the OSMC installer are all from this year 2023.
Would you be so kind and give me the link where to download old install packages?

Thank you for your support.

The mirror servers also have the old images

Thank you for the link.
Will try and get back to you.

Dear gentlemen,

I’ve installed version 20210808. In the very begining the results of the TV quality looked promissing even on HD channels, but after some time the lagging appeared as well. It seems like when the DVB-T2 dongle warms up to certain operating temperature, the tuner sensitivity decreases and therefore lagging appears.

I’m sorry to bothering you with this issue. The trigger for this thread was the SW update and now it looks like the lagging phenomenon caused by the HW coincidentially appeared in the time I’ve done the SW update.

Anyway thank you for your time and effort, which brought me much deeper to the Vero setup ;-).

We do frequent software updates – so it’s common for people to assume that a change we made has caused a problem when it hasn’t

I’d wished that it was a software issue, as we’d be able to solve it for you, but it looks like the dongle may be having problems.