Tvheadend not finding any services with official DVB-T2 dongle


The same antenna and muxes work just fine with a Raspberry Pi 4 running OSMC:


Could the dongle be defective?

Post a log so we can see that the tuner is being detected properly.

Thank you very much for the instant reply!

What log would you like to see?

You can grab-logs -A to upload logs for everything and post the returned url in this thread.

Thank you.

Logs show dongle working as expected, which is great

Make sure you select the Sony CXD2837 adapter instead of the Realtek adapter. It’s the Sony adapter that can receive DVB-T2 signals.

For some reason it’s not appearing anymore, that’s why it’s missing from my screenshot.

Solved by resetting Tvheadend:

sudo systemctl stop tvheadend
rm -R /home/osmc/.hts
sudo systemctl start tvheadend

Sometimes TVHeadend caches the tuners in a way that can prevent you from seeing both of them. This should now be solved.

Yes, basically in the setup wizard the Realtek tuner must not be selected at all, otherwise it overrides the Sony one.

Thank you very much for the amazing support!

On a separate note, are logs deleted after some time? I noticed the SSID and domain name are not redacted.

Yes, that’s right.

Yes, they are automatically deleted after some time.


The only problem left is the video randomly stuttering, looks like the following is printed to the kernel log when it happens:

[ 3350.190452] H264 sysinfo: 1920x1080 duration=3840, pts_outside=1
[ 3350.190454] sync_outside=0, use_idr_framerate=0, is_used_v4l: 0
[ 3350.190458] 0: AV_SCRATCH_1 = 41fe078, AV_SCRATCH_2 12053
[ 3350.190486] 0: chroma_format_idc = 1 frame_mbs_only_flag 0, crop_bottom 8,  frame_height 1080,
[ 3350.190488] 0: mb_height 68,crop_right 0, frame_width 1920, mb_width 120
[ 3350.190492] 0: level_idc = 40 pic_size = 3133440 size = 4
[ 3350.190495] 0: mb height/widht/total: 44/78/1fe0 level_idc 28 max_ref_num 4
[ 3350.190498] 0: restriction_flag=0, max_dec_frame_buffering=0, dec_dpb_size=6 num_reorder_frames 0 used_reorder_dpb_size_margin 6
[ 3350.190501] 0: vh264_set_params active_buf_spec_num 12 dec_dpb_size 6 collocate_buf_num 8
[ 3350.192325] 0: num_ref_frames change from 0 to 4
[ 3350.199853] 0: clear error count 1
[ 3354.705771] 0: vh264_isr_thread_fn MULTI_SLICE_DETECT (check_count 30 slice_count 1 cur_slice_count 2 flag 1), WRONG_MULTI_SLICE detected, insert picture
[ 3354.842317] 0: bufmgr_h264_remove_unused_frame, unmark error frame
[ 3354.989671] 0: error 50 B frame, reset dpb buffer
[ 3354.989676] 0: config_decode_buf fail (-1)
[ 3354.990230] 0: h264_reset_bufmgr frame count 56100 to skip 0

[ 3354.990273] H264 sysinfo: 1920x1080 duration=3840, pts_outside=1
[ 3354.990276] sync_outside=0, use_idr_framerate=0, is_used_v4l: 0
[ 3354.990279] 0: AV_SCRATCH_1 = 41fe078, AV_SCRATCH_2 12053
[ 3354.990307] 0: chroma_format_idc = 1 frame_mbs_only_flag 0, crop_bottom 8,  frame_height 1080,
[ 3354.990310] 0: mb_height 68,crop_right 0, frame_width 1920, mb_width 120
[ 3354.990313] 0: level_idc = 40 pic_size = 3133440 size = 4
[ 3354.990316] 0: mb height/widht/total: 44/78/1fe0 level_idc 28 max_ref_num 4
[ 3354.990319] 0: restriction_flag=0, max_dec_frame_buffering=0, dec_dpb_size=6 num_reorder_frames 0 used_reorder_dpb_size_margin 6
[ 3354.990323] 0: vh264_set_params active_buf_spec_num 12 dec_dpb_size 6 collocate_buf_num 8
[ 3354.992144] 0: num_ref_frames change from 0 to 4
[ 3357.743719] 0: reference list error 1 frame count 56203 to skip 0 reflist_error_count 1
[ 3357.744296] 0: h264_reset_bufmgr frame count 56203 to skip 0

[ 3357.999306] H264 sysinfo: 1920x1080 duration=3840, pts_outside=1
[ 3357.999311] sync_outside=0, use_idr_framerate=0, is_used_v4l: 0
[ 3357.999316] 0: AV_SCRATCH_1 = 41fe078, AV_SCRATCH_2 12053
[ 3357.999345] 0: chroma_format_idc = 1 frame_mbs_only_flag 0, crop_bottom 8,  frame_height 1080,
[ 3357.999348] 0: mb_height 68,crop_right 0, frame_width 1920, mb_width 120
[ 3357.999352] 0: level_idc = 40 pic_size = 3133440 size = 4
[ 3357.999355] 0: mb height/widht/total: 44/78/1fe0 level_idc 28 max_ref_num 4
[ 3357.999359] 0: restriction_flag=0, max_dec_frame_buffering=0, dec_dpb_size=6 num_reorder_frames 0 used_reorder_dpb_size_margin 6
[ 3357.999363] 0: vh264_set_params active_buf_spec_num 12 dec_dpb_size 6 collocate_buf_num 8
[ 3358.184943] 0: num_ref_frames change from 0 to 4
[ 3358.253066] dim:warn:peek busy
[ 3364.805665] 0: vh264_isr_thread_fn MULTI_SLICE_DETECT (check_count 30 slice_count 1 cur_slice_count 2 flag 1), WRONG_MULTI_SLICE detected, insert picture
[ 3364.945866] 0: bufmgr_h264_remove_unused_frame, unmark error frame
[ 3365.099072] 0: error 50 B frame, reset dpb buffer
[ 3365.099079] 0: config_decode_buf fail (-1)
[ 3365.099650] 0: h264_reset_bufmgr frame count 56514 to skip 0

[ 3365.099708] H264 sysinfo: 1920x1080 duration=3840, pts_outside=1
[ 3365.099711] sync_outside=0, use_idr_framerate=0, is_used_v4l: 0
[ 3365.099715] 0: AV_SCRATCH_1 = 41fe078, AV_SCRATCH_2 12053
[ 3365.099744] 0: chroma_format_idc = 1 frame_mbs_only_flag 0, crop_bottom 8,  frame_height 1080,
[ 3365.099746] 0: mb_height 68,crop_right 0, frame_width 1920, mb_width 120
[ 3365.099749] 0: level_idc = 40 pic_size = 3133440 size = 4
[ 3365.099753] 0: mb height/widht/total: 44/78/1fe0 level_idc 28 max_ref_num 4
[ 3365.099756] 0: restriction_flag=0, max_dec_frame_buffering=0, dec_dpb_size=6 num_reorder_frames 0 used_reorder_dpb_size_margin 6
[ 3365.099760] 0: vh264_set_params active_buf_spec_num 12 dec_dpb_size 6 collocate_buf_num 8
[ 3365.101556] 0: num_ref_frames change from 0 to 4
[ 3366.845582] 0: bufmgr_h264_remove_unused_frame, unmark error frame
[ 3366.979566] 0: vh264_isr_thread_fn MULTI_SLICE_DETECT (check_count 30 slice_count 1 cur_slice_count 2 flag 1), WRONG_MULTI_SLICE detected, insert picture
[ 3367.051098] 0: error 50 B frame, reset dpb buffer
[ 3367.051103] 0: config_decode_buf fail (-1)
[ 3367.051660] 0: h264_reset_bufmgr frame count 56609 to skip 0

[ 3367.051706] H264 sysinfo: 1920x1080 duration=3840, pts_outside=1
[ 3367.051709] sync_outside=0, use_idr_framerate=0, is_used_v4l: 0
[ 3367.051712] 0: AV_SCRATCH_1 = 41fe078, AV_SCRATCH_2 12053
[ 3367.051740] 0: chroma_format_idc = 1 frame_mbs_only_flag 0, crop_bottom 8,  frame_height 1080,
[ 3367.051742] 0: mb_height 68,crop_right 0, frame_width 1920, mb_width 120
[ 3367.051746] 0: level_idc = 40 pic_size = 3133440 size = 4
[ 3367.051749] 0: mb height/widht/total: 44/78/1fe0 level_idc 28 max_ref_num 4
[ 3367.051753] 0: restriction_flag=0, max_dec_frame_buffering=0, dec_dpb_size=6 num_reorder_frames 0 used_reorder_dpb_size_margin 6
[ 3367.051756] 0: vh264_set_params active_buf_spec_num 12 dec_dpb_size 6 collocate_buf_num 8
[ 3367.053808] 0: num_ref_frames change from 0 to 4
[ 3367.061380] 0: clear error count 1

Are recordings affected?

How is the signal level?

Can you confirm how you are powering the dongle?

For anyone reading this, it’s not necessary to nuke the whole .hts directory if you already have an otherwise working setup eg if you already have recordings you want to keep catalogued by tvh.

Sorry, I should’ve mentioned that. Your solution is accurate.

Troubleshooting, which lasted an entire day, went like this:

  1. Checked wiring on the roof, loose contact found in the pole-mounted amplifier. Got rid of it as the signal is already strong enough for a few TVs.
  2. Tested DVB-T2 channels on a Nokia Terrestrial Receiver 6000 that is in another room. Most popular channels were working flawlessly, others displayed a lot of artifacts which I blamed on the harsh weather conditions.
  3. Scanned services from scratch on Tvheadend. Only channels under 700 MHz are now discovered.
  4. Swapped the coaxial cable with a backup one that was originally used for a 4G/LTE antenna. Issue persists.
  5. Brought the Nokia receiver in the room with the Vero V and with the exact same antenna setup it worked as in the other room.
  6. Brought a brand new TV that was guaranteed to work. It exhibited the same issue.
  7. Called a friend who has experience with antennas. Turns out the one on my roof had to be rotated 90° so that it’s polarized horizontally.
  8. All channels now work perfectly. I still have no idea why more channels were working on the Nokia receiver compared to the Sony CXD2837 and a brand new TV.

For reference, the antenna was mounted like this:


Now it’s mounted like this:


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Glad to hear this now works as expected. Troubleshooting like this is rare, and extensive, so I can appreciate your efforts.

Thank you very much again for your help!

If I may give a suggestion: it would be great if you added an angled USB connector to your store:

That way the DVB-T2 dongle doesn’t occupy too much space on the side and the connector is on the rear.

Both my dongles hang off a short USB extension cable. Saves any anguish about USB plugs getting bent.

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