Tvheadend not start after November Update ( Raspberry )

Hi all , thx for this great software ,

after november update my tvheadend don’t start , dmesg say nothing about it , any hint on how can I understand what wrong ?

To get a better understanding of the problem you are experiencing we need more information from you. Please see How to submit a useful support request - General - OSMC for advice on how to help us.

Does sudo apt-get install bzip work?

No. Output :

osmc@osmc:~$ sudo apt-get install bzip
Reading package lists… Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information… Done
E: Unable to locate package bzip

My Pi

Linux osmc 4.3.0-9-osmc #1 PREEMPT Sat Nov 28 11:52:45 UTC 2015 armv6l GNU/Linux

TVHeadend Server 4.0.5 2015-07-06

How is related bzip btw ? :grin:

Did you run sudo apt-get update first?

sudo apt-get install bzip2

and a reboot seems fix everything , ty a lot Sam for support .

I just updated osmc with the december release and my Tvheadend stopped working. This fixed it also, just curious how both relate to each other, I wouldnt mind if anyone can explain it. Thanks

Im back, just noticed the channels are not updating, is i got all channels with no program guide, not good lollll. Any help please

@deetu how did it stop working, no live signal(tv) does the admin website work? can tvheadend see the tuner?.

To get a better understanding of the problem you are experiencing we need more information from you. Please see How to submit a useful support request - General - OSMC for advice on how to help us.


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