Unable to access headless following 19.1 update

Running on RPi 3b, I normally access remotely via web browser and ssh with no HDMI connected as a music player connected to a speaker.

Following recent update after rebooting, neither ssh or web browser (chorus) access is available.

SSH requests credentials then does not show prompt. so no commands can be accessed.

System can be accessed after plugging in HDMI cable, connecting to a screen and restarting.

I have downloaded the latest image and with a clean install on a new sd card the same behaviour is experienced.

Logs from fresh install: https://paste.osmc.tv/xewowudeyi

Seems to be others seen it

Same here on rpi3 headless server, ssh asks for password then freezes.
Logging in from android I get a message about SSH unable to open shell

Try this:

sudo mkdir /lib/firmware/edid
sudo touch /lib/firmware/edid/dummy.bin

then edit /boot/cmdline.txt so it looks like this:

root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rootfstype=ext4 rootwait quiet osmcdev=rbp2 drm.edid_firmware=HDMI-A-1:edid/dummy.bin video=HDMI-A-1:D

That will get you in. Kodi seems to running. I can’t get anything to play through Chorus2 but then I never could.

I looked for a way for video to show up if you subsequently plug in HDMI but without success. Can’t believe RPi devs designed it like that with so many Pis not connected to a display.

This seems to have got me back in to the command line, back up and running audio playing as expected

That’s solved it for me, thanks.
Seems to be a change from stretch to buster as this pi was working fine headless before the update.

That shouldn’t be the case as we have been shipping Buster since November 2020 with Kodi v18.9.