Unable to install or browse any add-ons - code 503. Vero V


I’ve got a few issues with an add-on (specifically the Plex Kodi Connect) which has caused issues on new installs on any version OSMC from around May/June of '23 onwards.

This time I’m trying to investigate it more rather than just working around by installing an older version, specifically I was getting a dependency error that ‘script.module.requests’ was unavailable.

Thought I’d try manually installing the ‘Requests’ add-on… couldn’t find it in search so tried to browse to it through the official add-ons but get errors saying unavailable. I also get an error in my browser if I go to https://download.osmc.tv/kodi/addons/nexus/addons.xml.gz. I noticed today that the installer app complained that it couldn’t access the internet and the download page was down so my be related but this has been affecting me since before xmas (pretty much when I got delivery of my Vero V and was doing new installs)

Anyway, anyhelp would be great but no rush!

going to https://download.osmc.tv/kodi/addons/nexus/addons.xml.gz in a web browser gives me this 503 error:

Error 503 Backend fetch failed
Backend fetch failed

Guru Meditation:
XID: 546015611

Varnish cache server

kodi.log when trying to access the normal kodi add-ons

2024-02-06 20:22:24.112 T:4021    error <general>: CCurlFile::Open - <https://download.osmc.tv/kodi/addons/nexus/addons.xml.gz?sha256> Failed with code 503:
2024-02-06 20:22:24.114 T:4021    error <general>: CRepository: failed read 'https://download.osmc.tv/kodi/addons/nexus/addons.xml.gz?sha256'

also lots of messages referencing version 999.999.999 which seems like a placeholder or some error such as this:

2024-02-06 20:51:34.587 T:4745    debug <general>: ADDONS: update check: addonID = peripheral.joystick / Origin = b6a50484-93a0-4afb-a01c-8d17e059feda / Version = 20.1.15
2024-02-06 20:51:34.587 T:4745    debug <general>: ADDONS: update check: addonID = repository.plexkodiconnect / Origin = repository.plexkodiconnect / Version = 3.0.0
2024-02-06 20:51:34.587 T:4745    debug <general>: ADDONS: update check: addonID = repository.plexkodiconnectbeta / Origin = repository.plexkodiconnectbeta / Version = 3.0.0
2024-02-06 20:51:34.587 T:4745    debug <general>: ADDONS: update check: addonID = repository.xbmc.org / Origin = b6a50484-93a0-4afb-a01c-8d17e059feda / Version = 9.9.12
2024-02-06 20:51:34.587 T:4745    debug <general>: ADDONS: update check: addonID = resource.images.weathericons.default / Origin = b6a50484-93a0-4afb-a01c-8d17e059feda / Version = 1.1.9
2024-02-06 20:51:34.587 T:4745    debug <general>: ADDONS: update check: addonID = resource.language.af_za / Origin =  / Version = 999.999.999
2024-02-06 20:51:34.587 T:4745    debug <general>: ADDONS: update check: addonID = resource.language.am_et / Origin =  / Version = 999.999.999
2024-02-06 20:51:34.587 T:4745    debug <general>: ADDONS: update check: addonID = resource.language.ar_sa / Origin =  / Version = 999.999.999
2024-02-06 20:51:34.587 T:4745    debug <general>: ADDONS: update check: addonID = resource.language.ast_es / Origin =  / Version = 999.999.999
2024-02-06 20:51:34.587 T:4745    debug <general>: ADDONS: update check: addonID = resource.language.az_az / Origin =  / Version = 999.999.999
2024-02-06 20:51:34.587 T:4745    debug <general>: ADDONS: update check: addonID = resource.language.be_by / Origin =  / Version = 999.999.999
2024-02-06 20:51:34.587 T:4745    debug <general>: ADDONS: update check: addonID = resource.language.bg_bg / Origin =  / Version = 999.999.999

Hi, i have similar error trying to installing addon from the official repo.

> 2024-02-06 19:29:01.366 T:471     DEBUG <general>:   ParentPath = [addons://repos/]
> 2024-02-06 19:29:01.367 T:888     DEBUG <general>: Thread waiting start, auto delete: false
> 2024-02-06 19:29:01.370 T:888     DEBUG <general>: CAddonDatabase: SELECT repo.id FROM repo .. took 0 ms
> 2024-02-06 19:29:01.370 T:888     DEBUG <general>: CAddonDatabase: no valid repository matching 'repository.xbmc.org'
> 2024-02-06 19:29:01.371 T:889     DEBUG <general>: Thread JobWorker start, auto delete: true
> 2024-02-06 19:29:01.371 T:889     DEBUG <general>: CRepositoryUpdateJob[repository.xbmc.org] checking for updates.
> 2024-02-06 19:29:01.374 T:889     DEBUG <general>: CFileCache::Open - <https://download.osmc.tv/kodi/addons/matrix/addons.xml.gz?sha256> opening
> 2024-02-06 19:29:01.374 T:889     DEBUG <general>: CurlFile::Open(0x6f922d78) https://download.osmc.tv/kodi/addons/matrix/addons.xml.gz?sha256
> 2024-02-06 19:29:01.375 T:889     DEBUG <general>: easy_acquire - Created session to https://download.osmc.tv
> 2024-02-06 19:29:01.467 T:471     DEBUG <general>: ------ Window Init (DialogBusy.xml) ------
> 2024-02-06 19:29:05.129 T:889     ERROR <general>: CCurlFile::FillBuffer - Failed: HTTP returned error 503
> 2024-02-06 19:29:05.130 T:889     ERROR <general>: CCurlFile::Open failed with code 503 for https://download.osmc.tv/kodi/addons/matrix/addons.xml.gz?sha256:
> 2024-02-06 19:29:05.132 T:889     ERROR <general>: CFileCache::Open - <https://download.osmc.tv/kodi/addons/matrix/addons.xml.gz?sha256> failed to open
> 2024-02-06 19:29:05.132 T:889     ERROR <general>: CRepository: failed read 'https://download.osmc.tv/kodi/addons/matrix/addons.xml.gz?sha256'
> 2024-02-06 19:29:05.146 T:889     DEBUG <general>: CRepositoryUpdater: done.
> 2024-02-06 19:29:05.147 T:888     DEBUG <general>: CAddonDatabase: SELECT repo.id FROM repo .. took 1 ms
> 2024-02-06 19:29:05.147 T:888     DEBUG <general>: Skipped 1 duplicate messages..
> 2024-02-06 19:29:05.147 T:888     DEBUG <general>: CAddonDatabase: no valid repository matching 'repository.xbmc.org'
> 2024-02-06 19:29:05.148 T:889     DEBUG <general>: CAddonDatabase: query  SELECT addons.*, repo.addonID AS repoID FROM addons JOIN addonlinkrepo ON addons.id=addonlinkrepo.idAddon JOIN 
> repo ON repo.id=addonlinkrepo.idRepo WHERE addonlinkrepo.idRepo IN (3) ORDER BY repo.addonID, addons.addonID returned 9 rows in 1 ms
> 2024-02-06 19:29:05.151 T:889     DEBUG <general>: Repository add-on repository.github uses plain HTTP for add-on downloads in path - this is insecure and will m
> ake your Kodi installation vulnerable to attacks if enabled!
> 2024-02-06 19:29:05.153 T:889     DEBUG <general>: CAddonDatabase::GetAddons took 7 ms

PKC isn’t in Kodi’s repo and likely never will be due to the devs dislike of how it manipulates the library. To install it you would have to install the repo where it is located as outlined in its github…

Or you could use Composite or PlexMod.

Will check this out shortly and give an update. There seems to be a problem with the download server.

I can see that an issue started in the early hours of the morning today and will check out what’s going wrong shortly.

But prior to this things have been operating as expected.


yes I know PKC is not in the offical add-on’s I can add the github respository and set it up fine but something broke it in OSMC versions from around May / June '23. I included the info really just as background info which may prompt someone else who has solved that issue to reply.

I don’t install any other add-ons normally but the fact that the normal add-on channel doesn’t work is what I was trying to resolve first so I could install the Requests add-on (https://kodi.wiki/view/Add-on:Requests)… and ultimately maybe help solve my PKC issue.

However to re-iterate this issue is with the regular kodi add-ons that I can’t even browse without it giving a 503 error


possibly two unrelated issues then, I’m not expecting any assistance with PKC since clearly it’s nothing to do with this project. I’ve certainly had an issue with installing it from late last year so just trying to troubleshoot what’s changed


Ah, thanks for clarifying. I’ll get the OSMC mirror up again shortly and investigate the issue. Can’t advise about PKC but usually @darwindesign (our resident expert on Plex) can advise on that.

Understood. I had notified Sam at the same time I replied to you so he could look into the download server issue. I haven’t tested PKC in quite a while to know if it is currently working or not but it might be worth looking into if you have enabled to allow add-ons from 3rd party repo’s to update automatically and that your running the most current version of the add-on. Kodi isn’t quite as open by default with add-ons as it used to be.


If it’s useful I will go throught the exact steps to replicate my PKC issue if anyone feels motivated enough to try it out but in the mean time I’ll wait for the normal add-on repository to be fixed and see if setting up the python dependencies is what’s causing PKC install to baulk.

For PKC you do indeed need to enable 3rd party addons, add the HTTPS network folder (croneter.github.io), install from zip file, select Nexus Stable then it’ll install the repository… after that install from repository, select PKC then install and configure. (I’ve done this so many times that address is living rent free in my head!)



The OSMC download system should now be working as expected

Will continue to monitor as it could re-occur tomorrow around midnight but I have a fair idea of what’s occurred.

Would appreciate it if you guys could report back that things now work as expected for you.



Yes, thank you , Now it works ! :grin:
Finally, i have finish my fresh installation, but i haven’t choose the good day to made this.
iBut first, I searched in archive.org for the osmc matrix 19.5 version for rpb2, then not being able to install any addon, I replaced all occurrences of 'download.osmc.tv ’ in /usr/share/ with ‘osmc .tv/download’, without success. and after several hours of trouble I found this post in the forum.
Well now I will be able to sleep peacefully.

Don’t worry so much - the download system was down for about 16 hours

Everything else stayed up. Usually when something goes down (like my local broadband provider) I just wait a bit

I do apologise for the downtime

Thank you Sam,

All working for me this morning, including my PKC issue.

Maybe previous times I’ve been setting this up I’ve just been unlucky and something was down. Academic now since everything is working with 2024.02-1 OSMC and 3.8.3 PKC

Thanks again for the prompt assistance

Thanks for confirming. Appreciated.

Downtime (on the OSMC side) is rare, and we try and keep availability at five nines (99.999%) uptime.


I used this guide when my Vero V arrived on that and on my Vero4K+, worked/works great. Just basic setup.

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