Unable to obtain movie information

I’m running OSMC version May 2017 2017.05-2 on a RPi 2, and all I want to do is change the thumbnail images for my movies. The problem is that I have no idea where they located, and it appears that many people have the same problem on Kodi. However, in Kodi all the information about a video (including the path to, and the file name of, the thumbnail) is obtainable by bringing up the the context menu, as described Link to solution on Kodi. My context menu shows the following:
Mark as unwatched
Queue item
Scan to library

I have tried searching the directories /home/osmc/.kodi/userdata/Thumbnails/ but there are so many directories and entries it makes finding the one I want to change virtually impossible, especially as the file and directory names appear to be randomly generated (I have about 1100 videos and 300 CDs, so nearly 1500 thumbnails to plough through).

Does anybody know how I can locate the thumbnail for a given video, so that it can be changed to something more representative of the video?

Thanks in advance.

You need to scan the movie into your library (use a nfo file if no public info available) than you can influence the thumbnail picture by providing respective pictures in the folder of the movie.

Thanks for your quick response. I already have scanned the movies into the library, I found I had to do that to get the default thumbnails. I didn’t use a scraper as my videos are personal.

Regarding the nfo files, according to the Wiki here under the “Movie” section 3.2.20 I can see that column c08 contains data of the type thumbnails, but I am not a Database Administrator and I wouldn’t know where to start on setting up an SQL database, nor querying one.

It’s starting to look as though changing default thumbnails is beyond the scope of the normal user. :pensive:

No need to do anything in the database. Just put a file into the same folder as the movie called file name-poster.png
Check here

You may have to remove the image from cache first before it picks up the new one.

Use the great tool “texture cache maintenance utility” to remove images from cache.