Unhappy face after skin update!

Continuing the discussion from An improved look and feel for OSMC:

I had the same problem after this update. This is the only time I’ve had to reload after an update and I just got everything setup the way I wanted it. Tried to get help on the forum, no answer. Tried to get help in the chat room, no answer. Very frustrated!

Backups are your friend. Kodi very kindly puts all your custom stuff in a single folder, making it easy to secure.

Also, logs or it didnt happen.

Seriously. “It crashes!” is about as helpful as “it looked at me funny!” when it comes to software.

I think I may have found the problem. I had Confluence Mod installed and enabled when I performed the update. Fortunately I had enabled SSH so I was able to manually backup and restore my settings (except skin customizations) to a fresh install. After the first boot, I got a warning that it was not compatible with Confluence Mod so I disabled it.

Hope this was it and helps someone else before installing this update.