Unmounted external drive

After updating to the latest build 21.1.0, my external SSD connected via USB is no longer available. Does anyone else experience the same, and what could I do to fix it?

Some logs might show what the issue is. Have you tried both USB ports?

Log is here: https://paste.osmc.tv/qaloginiho
Tried both ports, no success…

Is it detected on your PC?
How is it powered?

It’s Samsung 870 QVO 4TB, powered from the USB3 port. Worked without any issues since start, so 6 10 months ±).

fstab shows it mounted to mnt/data:

osmc@osmc:~$ cat /etc/fstab
#UUID=“44a1c417-dbee-214d-bba5-4029fd5b6343” /mnt/data ext4 defaults,relatime 0 0

but I can’t see it with this command (I assume the mmc-A… is the internal system disk):

osmc@osmc:~$ ls -1 /dev/disk/by-id
osmc@osmc:~$ ls -1 /dev/disk/by-path

or when I connect it to windows 11 PC (probably since it’s ext4)

fstab just shows what you intend to mount.

cat /proc/mounts would show whether it is actually mounting (but we know it isn’t).

Do you have another USB drive you can check?
It should automatically be mounted (no need for an fstab mount) and Kodi should give you a message when you plug it in.

I connedted another disk and it mounted right away (no message though)

I’d check the disk in Disk Manager in Windows. It will not mount the drive but it will be detected if it is found

Come to think of it I think the message is only if you unsafely unplug it

I did that, but the disk is not shown at all (sorry it’s in CZ, not EN, but I think you get the situation :slight_smile:

Yes. I think this rules out an OSMC issue.

Try other cables and hope it is that.
Try Google the model number and see if others have had this and if there is a solution.

I’m afraid of the worst, the disk being dead :frowning: Looks like this model is not very reliable…

Thanks for your quick help Sam, very appreciated!

I’m sorry to hear this. I wish that this was a problem on our side.

SSDs are a bit worrying in that they die suddenly, whereas you atleast see bad sectors and usually hear some symptoms on mechanical disks before they die.
