Unmounting FSTAB nfs

How do you unmount a drive?

Hi Edworld1,

I’ve moved your post to a new topic, as we try to keep the wiki topics tidy.

In answer to your question, using an example from the wiki entry:

sudo umount /mnt/Server_Movies

Thanks Tom.


When I go to root filesystem \mnt to add movies, I still see the mounted drives, how do I delete them from being listed?

What you are likely seeing is the directory used as the mount point. If you can still see your files and directories beneath the mount point (from the example, something like /mnt/Server_Movies/Alien), then the umount failed and you didn’t notice the error.

If that’s the case, try the umount again, and remember Linux uses forward slashes (/), not backslashes (\) as a path separator.

But, if all you see are the mount point directories, something like the following will work:

rmdir /mnt/Server_Movies
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I get this error:

rmdir: failed to remove ‘/mnt/Server_Movies’: Permission denied

You probably need to use sudo.

sudo rmdir /mnt/Server_Movies

Why are you doing this? Are you not going to use fstab mounts anymore and just have local content?

I’ve been encountering buffering issues with 4K movies, the drive is mapped using fstab.

I remounted the drive with new name and wanted to delete the prior setup.

OK, but if you are having buffering issues, just changing the name of the mount won’t help. You need to do some testing to find out where the problem is. Start with using iperf3 if you can run that on your NAS. (I assume you have a NAS?).

And are you mounting using SMB or NFS?

If you still have buffering issues, open a new topic so we can try and help you find the problem.

would this work in fstab file?

192.168.0.xxx:/i/Movies\040Bluray /mnt/Server_Movies nfs noauto,x-systemd.automount 0 0
192.168.0.xxx:/n/Movies\0404K /mnt/Server_Movies nfs noauto,x-systemd.automount 0 0

2 different drives mapped to Server_Movies


No, you can’t mount 2 shares to the same mountpoint. And how would that help with buffering issues if that’s what you are trying to solve?

Maybe you need to give us a clear description of your problem and what you are trying to achieve?

It doesn’t.

I remounted my 4K drive and was wondering if I could map all my drives (8) to server_movies.

You could do just do this with your fstab:

192.168.0.xxx:/i/Movies\040Bluray /mnt/Server_Movies/Bluray nfs noauto,x-systemd.automount 0 0
192.168.0.xxx:/n/Movies\0404K /mnt/Server_Movies/4K nfs noauto,x-systemd.automount 0 0

You would have to add 2 mount points: /mnt/Server_Movies/Bluray and /mnt/Server_Movies/4K

and add each as a movie source.


I went back to version 2019.05-1 and I have no buffering issues. I also didn’t have to mount the drive in fstab, I went through Kodi NFS

Is there a reason why you don’t seem to want help in fixing your problem? I bet with logs that we would help figure out what’s happening. I use the latest version with NFS mounts and have 0 issues watching 4K content.