Unplayable ISO

Thanks for taking a look :slight_smile:

Well done finding anything in amongst all those CEC errors :slight_smile:

No, nothing at all. Hm. It is, IIRC, another (very) old one, but there shouldn’t be anything there which causes issues. It was probably ripped with a piece of software which was a Decrypter of _DVD_s (and the mere mention of the name of which used to bring a gaggle of MPAA lawyers to the door of your website in mere minutes :slight_smile: ); now we use something a little more Foxy ([Edit] And these days, sporting a nifty little black bandanna :slight_smile:). Either way, our rips are encryption and protection free backups.

MediaInfo for one of the main titles looks normal to me, but that doesn’t mean a lot :slight_smile:.

Yes - it fixes the problem and now the disc plays perfectly (well, ‘perfectly’? It appears to be playing using software MPEG decoding, which would seem consistent with your installation suggestion. So the playback is awful, but the point is it plays back and you know about the dropping into software issue already) - you just had to ask that last, didn’t you?! :slight_smile:

Thanks @sam_nazarko! :slight_smile: