Upgrade failed - Sad Smile Loop


I just upgrade my OSMC to the latest version but something went wrong.
A sad smile continues to appear on the screen and I do not know how to debug the issue because I don’t have access to the system. Any suggestion?

I just realized I can access to the system via SSH.
Nothing in .kodi/temp/kodi.log

Paste the logs here:

The problem seems at KODI boot:

Oct 26 17:48:02 osmc sudo[1908]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root by (uid=0)
Oct 26 17:48:02 osmc sudo[1908]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Oct 26 17:48:02 osmc mediacenter[386]: ERROR: Unable to create application. Exiting
Oct 26 17:48:02 osmc sudo[1898]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user osmc
Oct 26 17:48:02 osmc mediacenter[386]: /usr/bin/mediacenter: line 142:  1898 Segmentation fault      sudo -u osmc LIRC_SOCKET_PATH=/var/run/lirc/lircd $KODI --standalone -fs
Oct 26 17:48:02 osmc mediacenter[386]: Kodi exited with return code 139 after 0 hours, 0 minutes and 1 seconds
Oct 26 17:48:04 osmc sudo[1945]:     osmc : TTY=pts/0 ; PWD=/home/osmc ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/bin/journalctl
Oct 26 17:48:04 osmc sudo[1945]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root by osmc(uid=0)

I suspect something went wrong during upgrade.

Tried to reinstall OSMC KODI package and the following but not luck:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

There does not seem to be any errors during the apt update process in the logs.

Since you have ssh access, you should check to see if something in the Kodi configuration is the issue:

sudo systemctl stop mediacenter
mv .kodi .kodi-old
sudo systemctl start mediacenter

Before your reply I did:

sudo systemctl stop mediacenter
mv guisettings.xml guisettings.xml.old
sudo systemctl start mediacenter

and it started with a new GUI, before I had Estuary. Consider that my latest upgrade was December 2018. My locale is Italy.

Now it’s not clear to me what to do to restore GUI settings I had in the past. I can do a diff between old and new file.

However, the main issue is solved. I will work to move old GUI settings in new one.

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