This issue was fixed several hours ago. The issue I’m seeing in logs is that boot isn’t writable, so the kernel upgrade is failing. So the kernel module mismatches the userland libs, but only as a result of the kernel upgrade not succeeding.
This can happen if you shut down your Apple TV abruptly. Running the following commands via SSH may help:
sudo -s
umount /boot
fsck.hfsplus /dev/sda1 (or /dev/sdb1 if you are on a USB install)
mount /boot
apt-get -f install
If you have any further issue, please copy the output in this thread.
In future, please be very judicious in how you power cycle your Apple TV. The HFS+ filesystem is very vulnerable to reverting to RO under Linux. I made some changes regarding this today, but we won’t see these benefits until a future update.