Upgrading RPi 3 with DAC Hat - some help needed please

I have moved my RPi headless audio player and thought I would check that the operating system is all OK and up to date. I have forgotten everything about updating and upgrading but tried sudo apt update and sudo apt upgrade as a start. My initial installation is using raspbian.

Two problems. The DAC player uses upmpdcli as the front end for the music player. I was unable o update this and received error messages that the signatures were invalid.

I am seeking help please on how to fix this assuming the website for lesboncomptes is still supported.

The second problem is that after attempting an upgrade which seemed to run OK the last two lines included Automatically disabled Acquire…

Sorry I am working on cli screen and have not yet remembered how to copy and paste the full text into a browser but I hope this post will elicit helpful guidance please.


Amazing what comes back to me. It was lesbonscomptes and now I have the information on how to update from JP’s website.
I think I am all OK now so sorry to have wasted your time. on the upmpdcli.

Less sure about the second problem. Still working on it!