USB drive random mount and unmount on Vero

I recently upgraded to a 1TB USB powered external drive but it has a habit of un-mounting and then remounting itself for no apparent reason.

I know this was a recognised problem on the Rpi’s, usually solved with a powered USB hub but I was under the impression that the Vero would have more than enough juice to power a USB drive?

Is this still a power supply issue, even on a Vero? Do I need to revert to a powered USB hub again?

Sounds like something that would be easy enough for you to test?

:grin: absolutely.

Maybe I should have phrased the question better. What I was trying to establish was:

  • is this expected behaviour or should I expect the Vero to be able to power a USB drive?

I have a distant memory from the early days of the Vero project, that not requiring a powered hub anymore was one of the benefits of moving from the Rpi to a Vero.

You can get 1A from the USB. If the new drive requires more power than this, you will need to power the hard drive. Are you able to power it in your PC without a power adapter?

Does the drive only unmount during some intense operations or does it happen even when idling?

Hi Sam,

the drive powers fine from the Vero and/or PC and often works for long periods of time without issue. The un-mounting is quite random, it tends to be when under use, halfway through watching a film for example or when I’m syncing the media library but I’ve also noticed that OSMC settings backups have failed overnight (when nothing else was running) because the drive had disappeared.

I’ll check the drive this evening and see what the specs say about it’s power consumption. If it’s over 1A I guess that would explain it.


Checked the drive specs and it claims a max spin up current draw of 1A so I guess that puts it right on the edge of what the Vero can provide. I’ll try the powered USB hub and see if that sorts the issue.

I might also see if I can source a drive with a lower power consumption, it would be nice not to need the hub.

Has anyone tried an external SSD drive attached to a Vero? They always seem to mention lower power consumption as a benefit.

I have had similar issues with mine. But I have always run my usb drives via powered hub. It was mains power fluctuations for me (brown out) and after fitting a ups between the the mains and vero/hub psus I no longer have problems. All would be fine on weekdays but evenings and weekends when more people were home it would unmount drives like crazy


Just in case anyone encounters the same issue, I appear to have resolved the problem with a USB Y Cable. Drawing current from both USB ports seems to be more than adequate and the drive hasn’t unmounted itself since I started using the new cable several weeks ago.