USB HDD mount problems

Hey everyone,

I just got my new Rpi 2 and installed OSMC alpha 4. However, I encountered a few problems with USB mounts of my external HDDs ( 1x WD, 1x Seagate). Both are formatted in ext4.
In order to monitor udisks-glue, i changed udisks-glue.conf to the following:

post_insertion_command = “udisks --mount %device_file --mount-options sync,noatime >> /tmp/udisks.log 2>&1”
post_insertion_command = “/sbin/hdparm -S 240 %device_file >> /tmp/hdparm.log 2>&1”

1. Mount options not applied

The mount options defined in /etc/udisks-glue.conf are not applied, external HDDs are not mounted with sync and noatime. The above mentioned udisks.log is not even created in tmp folder. If I unmount and remount the disks manually via ssh (exact same command) everything works fine and disks are mounted with correct options.

2. Spindown is not working

Both HDDs do not spindown after the specified time. hdparm.log provides the following:

HDIO_DRIVE_CMD(setidle) failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device

setting standby to 240 (20 minutes)
HDIO_DRIVE_CMD(setidle) failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device

setting standby to 240 (20 minutes)

edit: after using “sudo hdparm”, spinning down seems to work

I would gladly appreciate any help.