Using 433 MHz nanoCUL on Vero V?


does any1 already use a 433 MHz nanoCUL (USB) on the Vero V? I am wondering, how I can remote control some components of my home cinema (screen, light, etc). Currently, I am using a RPi3 for this with the built in GPIO. As the Vero doesnt have this, I am looking for a lightweight alternative :slight_smile: For me it would be sufficient if it is a command line tool, no GUI needed. So something like hometaic might be overkill …

Maybe some1 has a hint for me :slight_smile:

Can’t advise but it is probably a USB device using serial to control it. Don’t anticipate any major issue.

I dont think it its a major issue, too. But I still would need something like a driver and cmd tool to use it with my intertechno stuff ;D
Something that hopefully doesnt interfere with osmc or kodi …

Can’t see how it would. You’re not really touching display/windowing so should be OK.

On Vero V I’d just check minimum kernel requirements (maybe they can advise). I can see reports of it working on Raspbian Jessie with 4.4 kernel, so I think you’ll be fine.