Using a 3440 x 1440 wide screen monitor

I have an ultra widescreen 3440 x 1440 monitor. Is there any way I can get Kodi/Vero 4K working on that?

If you connect it, Vero 4K should pass a compatible signal immediately.
It might take a bit of work to get a native resolution, but it can be done

An EDID dump from Vero 4K will help (with full logs)


FYI I couldn’t get a signal displayed on my ultrawide PC monitor via HDMI when I first got my Vero 4k to set it up. Tried a number of times and even different cables but nothing worked. Had to hook it up to my 4k TV to be able to get a picture.

Thanks for the quick reply!

Here is the log, I hope it is the correct one:

Logs created on: 2017-10-12 21:44

g0gjk991 : Display Cap
Q72ho215 : Display Mode
wE0go885 : EDID
k3dRrf31 : Audio Cap
wes0DM2l : Pi EDID
su34JRse : Pi CEA
zsl2D3rt : Pi DMT
szl3J3wq : Pi Audio Cap
DjfSD1Fa : MPG2 codec_enabled
dDR3l5zx : WVC1 codec_enabled

====================== Display Cap =================== g0gjk991

---------------------- Display Cap END --------------- g0gjk991

====================== Display Mode =================== Q72ho215

---------------------- Display Mode END --------------- Q72ho215

====================== EDID =================== wE0go885
Rx Brand Name: GSM
Rx Product Name: LG
Manufacture Week: 7
Manufacture Year: 2016
Physcial size(cm): 80 x 34
EDID Verison: 1.3
EDID block number: 0x1
blk0 chksum: 0x0c
Source Physical Address[a.b.c.d]:
native Mode f1, VIC (native 255):
ColorDeepSupport 38
16 4 3 1 31 19 89 90 18
Audio {format, channel, freq, cce}
{1, 1, 7, 7}
Speaker Allocation: 1
Vendor: 0xc03
MaxTMDSClock1 320 MHz
RR_Cap: 0
LTE_340M_Scramble: 0
checkvalue: 0x0c100000

---------------------- EDID END --------------- wE0go885

====================== Audio Cap =================== k3dRrf31
CodingType MaxChannels SamplingFreq SampleSize
PCM, 2 ch, 32/44.1/48 kHz, 16/20/24 bit

---------------------- Audio Cap END --------------- k3dRrf31

====================== Pi EDID =================== wes0DM2l
Pi EDID error
---------------------- Pi EDID END --------------- wes0DM2l

====================== Pi CEA =================== su34JRse
Pi CEA error
---------------------- Pi CEA END --------------- su34JRse

====================== Pi DMT =================== zsl2D3rt
Pi DMT error
---------------------- Pi DMT END --------------- zsl2D3rt

====================== Pi Audio Cap =================== szl3J3wq
Pi Audio Cap error
---------------------- Pi Audio Cap END --------------- szl3J3wq

====================== MPG2 codec_enabled =================== DjfSD1Fa
MPG2 codec_enabled error
---------------------- MPG2 codec_enabled END --------------- DjfSD1Fa

====================== WVC1 codec_enabled =================== dDR3l5zx
WVC1 codec_enabled error
---------------------- WVC1 codec_enabled END --------------- dDR3l5zx

Your TV is advertising support for 1080p50Hz and 1080p60Hz
Does that work out of the box?

I’d stick with this resolution; as the content you will likely be playing will be 1080p.

There is still ongoing work re. supporting custom video modes. I will make a note of this mode requested.

It is a LG 34UC98-W monitor (3440 x 1440 @ 60 Hz), and I get the resolution when using 1) an old HP laptop running Linux mint over HDMI and 2) Another newer HP laptop running windows 10 over DisplayPort .

One time I booted the Vero I think I got the OSMC logo in full screen but it reverted to the 1080p once the skin came up?

I did a workaround and did video calibration for the screen/skin size. Works when playing videos which are 21:9. Problem is of course that it is “only” 1080p. Would be great with support for the full format.

Could there be a cable issue since the resolution is not supported automatically? I dont think I can update the monitor firmware.

Hi @jesperstig

Vero 4K isn’t aware of 3440x1440 yet, so it is falling back to 1080p.

I’d need your raw EDID for this, which can be found with this command:

osmc@osmc:~$ cat /sys/class/amhdmitx/amhdmitx0/rawedid 

I won’t be able to add support right away, but support for other resolutions is ongoing.


Hi @sam_nazarko

Thanks a lot. Here is the EDID:


I understand you won’t be able to fix it immediately, but grateful for support whenever possible.


Thanks. This has now been added to the list.

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Hi, my Lenovo L24q-10 should be able to display 2560*1440 but lists 1080p as the highest available resolution. Maybe this resolution can also be added to the list?

Here a dump of the edid data:



Hi @sam_nazarko

Thanks for the great recent update to OSMC. I realize that my screen support request might not be on top of your list of things to do. But would you have an indication of when you are going to include it? Or will you post it in this thread, so I don’t need to check changelog for every update.

Best wishes


Unfortunately I don’t have a timeframe for this yet.

It should be noted that when support is added (and it will be); we will still switch to 1080p for video playback if Adjust Refresh Rate is enabled, as this will provide the best experience.
