Using advanced settings.xml and SQL database

I just bought the new model of raspberry PI, and have installed OSMC. Before i had an older model RaspberryPI and an apple tv2, and i used my Synology with SQL database to syncronize my watched statues, and the resume point. I Tried to throw my advanced settings in the userfolder of kodi, but it does not seem to work. I can see my old installments used the database: xbmc_video78, and this new one use xbmc_video90. So i guess i somehow have to transfer my old SQL database from 78 to 90, but i cannot seem to fix it… Hope someone can help :slight_smile: I’ve copied my advanced settings in below, and it’s of course without the spaces, in the preview it just didn’t show without spaces.

< advancedsettings>
< videodatabase>
< type>mysql< /type>
< host>INDSÆT IP< /host>
< port>3306< /port>
< user>xbmc< /user>
< pass>xbmc</ pass>
< name>xbmc_video< /name>
< /videodatabase>

< musicdatabase>
< type>mysql</ type>
< host>INDSÆT IP< /host>
< port>3306< /port>
< user>xbmc< /user>
< pass>xbmc< /pass>
< name>xbmc_music< /name>
< /musicdatabase>

 < videolibrary>
      < importwatchedstate>true< /importwatchedstate>
< importresumepoint>true< /importresumepoint>
 < /videolibrary>

< /advancedsettings>

What error is listed in the kodi.log?

This is what I have in my advancedsettings.xml, also placed in the userdata folder.


I’ve found the failure. apparently i was working with the wrong database (xbmc_video90), when i had to use the “MyVideos90” . as soon as i copied everything to the right database, it worked (;
But thanks for your respond :slight_smile:

You probably want to get rid of the <name> tags unless you're running multiple databases, they just cause problems

Forum kept deleting the “name” part of the above because of the symbols

ah yes, did that as well, but thank you :slight_smile: !
everything is working now, and so far its great! Like the new Pi, as well as OSMC !