Using the ATV as a Media Server

So I have my ATV currently running krypton (just testing the newest build) doing nothing more than being a UPnP Media Server for my House (have it hooked up to ethernet and sitting headless in my media centre). Currently I have an 8GB PCIe ssd hooked up with a converter for the ide cable, and all I have to do is simply plug in an external drive and I can use it on any device in my house.

Now my question is, should I use an older release or OSMC or stick with Krypton. It seems to be working fine (I had 2 streams of the same bluray move running at the same time on 2 different devices without any buffering), but I was wondering if the older releases will be less performance hungry.

So I checked back on an older post I had made (about getting the ATV to boot right into the LXDE desktop), and then from there I set it up to never go to sleep, and installed PLEX and set it to start on boot. I would have liked something not tied to an app, but it was the cleanest route that I could go. Pretty much almost every device has PLEX available for it. For the most part it seems the ATV is more than up for the task of streaming my movies (was doing just fine streaming Fast 6 1080p). I havent yet tried running two streams at once. Ill have to test that out and see how it handles itself.