Good day,
I am requesting someone’s help in troubleshooting the vero 4k+. Here is my setup
I am currently using the vero 4k+ as a gui frontend, and running a script that takes the base_name path of the currently playing item and sends it with a http get request to my Oppo 203, then I call another script that switches the hdmi port on my LG C1 to the oppo 203. It works brilliantly, however, after returning to the the vero 4K+, it is hanging for roughly 2-3 minutes, it is unresponsive on the GUI, but I can still access it via SSH.
Vero 4k+ up to date January 2023 .
pywebostv installed
`import os
import json
from pywebostv.discovery import *
from pywebostv.connection import *
from pywebostv.controls import *
def set_source():
# Define the file path where the store object will be saved
store_file_path = os.path.expanduser(“~/.kodi/store.txt”)
# Check if the store file already exists
if os.path.exists(store_file_path):
# If the store file exists, load the store object from the file
with open(store_file_path, "r") as store_file:
store = json.load(store_file)
# If the store file doesn't exist, create an empty store object
store = {}
client = WebOSClient('')
for status in client.register(store):
if status == WebOSClient.PROMPTED:
print("Please accept the connect on the TV!")
elif status == WebOSClient.REGISTERED:
print("Registration successful!")
source_control = SourceControl(client)
sources = source_control.list_sources() # Returns a list of InputSource instances.
source_control.set_source(sources[2]) # .set_source(..) accepts an InputSource instance.'
'import xbmc
import requests
import os
import hdmi_switching
import json
from os.path import expanduser
#class MyPlayer(xbmc.Player):
def init(self):
def onPlayBackStarted(self):
# Get the current playback path
path = self.getPlayingFile()
# Extract the base name from the path using os.path.basename
base_name = os.path.basename(path)
# Replace the placeholder in the URL with the base name
url = "{%22path%22:%22/mnt/sda1/UHD/"+base_name+"%22,%22index%22:0,%22type%22:1,%22appDeviceType%22:2,%22extraNetPath%22:%22192.168.1.238/Storage/UHD/%22,%22playMode%22:0}"
response = requests.get(url)
response_json = json.loads(response.text)
with open(expanduser("~/.kodi/oppo_status.txt"), "w") as f:
json.dump(response_json, f)
self.stop() # stop the playback on Kodi
xbmc.executebuiltin("Action(Stop)") # Stop the loading circle on screen
I have tried several iterations of the script. The think the issue is the stop.action is not behaving properly, since when I manually return to the Vero 4k+, the loading circle is stuck on screen.
Any assistance would be gretly appreciated.
Thank you.