Vero 4k+ Audio Device selection

I’ve setup my Vero 4k+ and connected it to my Receiver with HDMI and from the receiver with HDMI to the TV.
Now I’m trying to find the best settings and I’ve read through Audio setup and information
I’ve enabed passthrough on evrything since my receiver can do all.
The only thing I’m not sure what the difference is between is the Audio Device selection.
There are 3 choices:

  1. AML-M8AUDIO Analog, PCM

I know I need to select either 2 or 3 but what is the actual difference?

Hi, basically on a modern receiver you will want to use passthrough audio (#3) which means the receiver decodes the audio stream. PCM means the audio is decoded before it is sent to the receiver.

You can read more about it here PCM vs Passthrough (Atmos, DD True HD, DTS-HD,...)

Surprisingly, there is no difference, but choose HDMI for passthrough in case we introduce a difference in future!

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