Vero 4K availability/Shipping

I’m not sure if this is the right forum or if this should be in the general discussion, but here it goes.

A week ago, I placed an order for a Vero 4K+ unit, and after the purchase I tried to create an account using the same email address I used on the purchase order. The registration page said it sent an activation email to my email address, but I didn’t get anything. After repeated tries, I created an account with a different email address, and I did get that verification email and completed the account creation.

Now to the problem. Because this account is using a different email address than the one I used to purchase the Vero, I can’t see the purchase status, it simply says there are no purchases.

I sent a support ticket asking about this, but got no response. So if anyone in support is reading this, please let me know how to fix this problem.

At the same time, if someone could tell me how long after placing an order is the device expected to ship. Since I paid with PayPal, since they would show tracking information, but it doesn’t show anything, which leads me to believe this hasn’t shipped yet.


When did you place the order?

We don’t upload tracking data to PayPal.

I found your email dated 06/04 and will respond now with tracking details.

Thank you, Sam. Got the tracking number.

Have a great weekend.

And you

