I ordered vero 4K+ before a week a I must say it is extremly hard to set something for people without experienced IT skills. App. 100 times I try to connect Vero to PC win 10PRO ver. 1803 , not work anyway. I set my computer for sharing media from disc (NTFS format) I turn on windws features ON, I setted up network as recoommendec, I can also see Vero4K+ with my web browser from PC , firewall is untouched without restriction
but if I try set up connection from Vero – still some notice
If I try connect to PC with PuTTY after logging and copy “sudo nano /etc/fstab“
System wrote this :
I also tried to use different SMB maximum protocol version from none to SMBv3
I am completely helpless, could you give me some idea how to connect Vero to my home network.
This i my log after reboot https://paste.osmc.tv/jodutosire
Thank you a lot.