Vero 4K not booting after reinstall

I have been using the Vero 4K since March 2017 without too many issues. However, I managed to unplug the device while it was playing a video. Obviously it stopped booting.

So I tried a reinstall as mentioned here.

Reinstall says it was successful, but still no boot. I get the blue vero boot screen and then nothing. It looks off but I can see that the optical port is still on.

Log file from the reinstall:

Thu Jan 1 00:00:24 2015 Starting OSMC installer
Thu Jan 1 00:00:27 2015 Detecting device we are running on
Thu Jan 1 00:00:27 2015 Mounting boot filesystem
Thu Jan 1 00:00:27 2015 Trying to mount to MNT_BOOT (/mnt/boot)
Thu Jan 1 00:00:27 2015 Using device->boot: /dev/mmcblk1p1 and FS: fat32
Thu Jan 1 00:00:27 2015 Trying to mount to MNT_BOOT (/mnt/boot)
Thu Jan 1 00:00:27 2015 Using device->boot: /dev/sda1 and FS: fat32
Thu Jan 1 00:00:27 2015 Filesystem defined by /mnt/boot/filesystem.tar.xz
Thu Jan 1 00:00:27 2015 No preseed file was found
Thu Jan 1 00:00:27 2015 Flash looks OK
Thu Jan 1 00:01:33 2015 Creating root partition
Thu Jan 1 00:01:34 2015 Calling fmtpart for partition /dev/vero-nand/root and fstype ext4
Thu Jan 1 00:01:44 2015 Filesystem label=
OS type: Linux
Block size=4096 (log=2)
Fragment size=4096 (log=2)
Stride=2 blocks, Stripe width=1024 blocks
936560 inodes, 3745792 blocks
187289 blocks (5.00%) reserved for the super user
First data block=0
Maximum filesystem blocks=3837788160
115 block groups
32768 blocks per group, 32768 fragments per group
8144 inodes per group
Superblock backups stored on blocks:
32768, 98304, 163840, 229376, 294912, 819200, 884736, 1605632, 2654208

Allocating group tables: 0/115 done
Writing inode tables: 0/115 done
Creating journal (32768 blocks): done
Writing superblocks and filesystem accounting information: 0/115 done

Thu Jan 1 00:01:44 2015 From a root partition of /dev/vero-nand/root, I have deduced a base device of /dev/vero-nand/roo
Thu Jan 1 00:01:44 2015 Mounting root
Thu Jan 1 00:01:44 2015 Trying to mount to MNT_ROOT (/mnt/root)
Thu Jan 1 00:01:44 2015 Using device->root: /dev/vero-nand/root
Thu Jan 1 00:01:44 2015 Extracting files to root filesystem
Thu Jan 1 00:01:44 2015 Starting extract process …
Thu Jan 1 00:01:44 2015 Extracting from /mnt/boot/filesystem.tar.xz
Thu Jan 1 00:02:58 2015 Extraction of root filesystem completed
Thu Jan 1 00:02:58 2015 Configuring bootloader
Thu Jan 1 00:02:58 2015 Boot changed. Re-mounting the real /boot
Thu Jan 1 00:02:58 2015 Trying to unmount MNT_BOOT (/mnt/boot)
Thu Jan 1 00:02:58 2015 Using device->boot: /dev/sda1
Thu Jan 1 00:02:58 2015 Could not unmount old boot partition
Thu Jan 1 00:02:58 2015 Trying to mount to MNT_BOOT (/mnt/boot)
Thu Jan 1 00:02:58 2015 Using device->boot: /dev/sda1 and FS: fat32
Thu Jan 1 00:02:58 2015 Could not mount new boot partition
Thu Jan 1 00:02:58 2015 Configuring bootloader: moving /boot to appropriate boot partition
Thu Jan 1 00:03:00 2015 Configuring boot cmdline
Thu Jan 1 00:03:00 2015 Configuring /etc/fstab
Thu Jan 1 00:03:00 2015 Successful installation. Dumping log and rebooting system

UPDATE: Nevermind. The install was successful. The setup screen was not visible on the projector, where the Vero 4K was connected. It is visible now, after connecting to a TV. No idea why this is, but at least I can now spend the next few hours re-configuring it…

That’s what the problem sounded like to me. Let us know if you run in to any problems
