I have 2 8tb drives both ext4 one of them is not mounting i have tried rebooting, different usb connections swapped power cables over but nothing
Anything anyone can reccomend?
Does it mount on any other devices, such as a PC.
Thanks Tom.
Are you connecting these drives directly to the Vero? Do they have their own power supplies or are you using a powered hub?
Shows up on pc with AOMEI partition assistant and shows unallocated
They have their own power supply they have been connected via OSMC hub
have tried just connecting straight to the vero directly
If it shows up as unallocated then perhaps the drives haven’t been formatted properly.
Have you put any content on it yet? If it’s fresh I’d just reformat it.
30 movies
What format is the drive? exfat, ntfs or ext4?
Does the drive mount on any other devices running linux, can you see the movies?
How did you format the drive, from the commandline or the gui? Please provide details of the process.
Thanks Tom.
Both drives show as unallocated in AOMEI
In easeUS recovery wizard both drives show with their given name ie Seagate8TB and Seagate8TB1
Don’t have anything else running linux only zgemma box
Formatted following the instructions from this thread
Best HDD format for Vero 4k+? (And how to do so!)
Have you tried a LiveCD with linux, if they can be read then?
Don’t know what that is
So that puts linux os on my pc?
So that’s the only way to try to recover files?
It’s temporary and does not touch any data currently on the computer that you would use it on. @joakim_s is simply suggesting that you use a LiveUSB to boot your desktop or laptop computer, then test to see if the drive is mounted correctly by the Linux OS running from the LiveUSB. It’s just a test.
Did this problematic drive EVER mount on OSMC since you partitioned and added the 30 movies, or at any other point?
You keep referring to AOMEI, but I’m not sure anyone here really knows what that is or why you are using it…
The drive is a couple of weeks old
Its been working fine playing films no problems
AOMEI is just a partition assistant i was just using it to see if my pc could see the drives which it can
Both drives have been permanently attached to the vero and files transferred over network
I would check if the drive mounts under a linux live distro (liveusb) as advised above, if it doesn’t; request a refund or replacement from the supplier. Sounds like it may have failed.
Thanks Tom.