Vero 4K not updating to Jan 2023 release?


My Vero doesn’t seem to have pulled down the Jan 2023 build, normally there is message on screen saying a new release is available, nothing this time throught.

When I try and do a manual check for new builds from within the MY OSMC app, nothing happens, normally a message shows in the top righthand, saying something like “Checking for new builds… there are no new builds…” or words like that.

But nothing, when I click manual check nothing happens…

Logs should be here… I hope

URL: jeziluziqe


It looks like your device hasn’t installed updates since November.

Are you still experiencing a problem?

Hi Sam,

I actually rebooted the device from the Power Menu a couple of days ago, and since doing that, it found the latest update immediately when doing a manual scan from the OSMC App, so I’m all good now thanks.

Any idea why my device stopped finding updates?

It’s seems to have been working fine in the past, scaping new videos always worked, so it’s been pulling stuff in from the internet, other apps had been reporting as updating fine, I believe the last build of OSMC it got was from October, I didn’t realise it hadn’t been updating…


Honestly, no.

Is your internet connection stable?
