Vero 4K+/OSMC/Kodi not playing 90% of my ISO’s

I am downloading the ISO now.

I’ve got it now and will check it shortly.

Can you confirm the MD5 sum is as follows: a384af355664c8ed2ac6d38cb2798f0b


Hi Sam,

Sorry for the late reply but the MD5 sum is correct, underneath is the code I get:


Hi Sam,

Sorry for bothering you but I really would like to know if there is any progress in reading my ISO’s

At the moment the Vero 4K+ is useless for me and I already sent a request for sending the unit back for a refund. Now the period of 7 days after receiving the unit has passed a while.

I’d like to express that I’m certainly willing to keep the unit but then it must be functional for me.

I appreciate all the good work you do with supporting the soft- and hardware but I need to have some hope that all turns out fine.

Many thanks in advance,


Hi Ruud,

Thanks for your patience. Apologies for not being able to reply earlier.

I only had a chance to try playing back an ISO now as it has been quite busy around here.

I tried to play the file and was not successful. After looking at the ISO, it is not structured like a commercial DVD and is encoded in a very odd way.

Format                                   : AVC
Format/Info                              : Advanced Video Codec
Format profile                           : @L8.5 / High@L4.1

I will keep looking in to this. Do you know the source of the ISO as this is not standard.


I’ve had a further look at this.
The file is appears to be an encrypted Blu-ray title. So at the least, you’d need AACS keys installed.

Checking now.

I’ve checked this and it appears to be a problem with ISO handling in Kodi v18.
Kodi v19 should fix this. I tested a nightly but it doesn’t have some of the recent UDF changes. I expect @gmc can kick off a build with these changes soon and I will then re-test the ISO and let you know the outcome


Hi Sam,

Thanks for the update.

As already been said the problem indeed seems to be the handing by Kodi. There cannot be an encryption problem because the ISO’s play fine on my Mac when mounting them there.

I quickly tried a nightly Kodi 19 build on my Mac but there the ISO I also send you is not working.


Kodi v19 has some fixes for DVD playback, so I will see if they are applicable.


I don’t have any problems with DVD ISO’s, they play fine.

The problems are with normal Blu Ray’s and UHD Blu rays. The iso I send you was a normal Blu Ray

I’m still working on getting it to play. It looks like if we mount the ISO, it’s OK. I’m interested in fixing it as it will no doubt benefit other users.

I’ve mentioned this in the Team Kodi Slack as there are some active changes being made to ISO handling.

I’ll let you know when I have more information for you.

Sounds promising, keeping my fingers crossed

A few people in the Team Kodi Slack had a look at your ISO.

It’s not a commercial rip and has been authored incorrectly, which is why it doesn’t play properly in Kodi.

The file also doesn’t play in VLC, unless you explicitly mark the disc as a Blu-ray. Likewise, Kodi tries to treat the file as a DVD which is why it fails.

The stream also hasn’t been packed correctly:

H264 warn: SPS parameters is not consistent throughout a stream
Reading buffer overflow. Possible container streams are not syncronized. Please, verify stream fps. File name: /media/xbmc/Australian Pink Floyd Show - Exposed In The Light/BDMV/STREAM/00000.m2ts

You have some options:

  • Use MakeMKV to create an MKV from the ISO
  • Mount the ISO via the command line (which seems cumbersome)
  • Re-author the ISOs so that they are in a playable format.

Thanks for the sample. I will look in to how we can improve playback and if successful, upstream any changes to Kodi so it improves all platforms. Unfortunately at this time, such changes are low on my list because they don’t seem to affect any properly authored content, such as commercial discs.

As such, if you’d like to return the Vero, you’re more than welcome to do so. However, I’m not sure what replacement platform would play these files. Assuming you are the author, I would recommend changing how you create these ISOs as you will continually run in to problems on other platforms with these files



Hi Sam,

Thank your for the explanation which makes it clear to me that the Hardware is not the (my) problem, but it is a Software/Kodi issue.

I have so many ISO’s that don’t mount that making them into a MKV or re-authoring will take ages.

Hopefully the future will bring a solution but for now I would like to return my order for a refund.

Can you please provide me (via PM) with further information such as address etc.?

Many thanks for all the efforts in trying to get things work. I will certainly continue to follow the forum to keep informed about possible changes.

Keep up the good work and stay safe!

Kind regards,


The details have been provided via support ticket


Have you tried to use MakeMKV to convert them? Since they are one a hard drive MakeMKV will run fairly quick. And it has a command line interface so you could probably automate the conversion.

Hi Sam,

Could you please write down the shipping instructions again in the support ticket?

I cannot find any details

Kind regards,


I have sent them again.



Hi Sam,

Last week I received a message from you that that the amount I paid was refunded on my Visa account. Unfortunately I haven’t received the money on my account yet.

Did something went wrong?

Many thanks in advance,

Kind regards,
