For the past year or so I’ve been having recurring issues with my Vero 4k which is connected to my AV receiver - randomly it will either have a solid green screen - but it’ll still respond to remote input - the solution is to power cycle the device and all is normal. Other times it’ll cause havoc with the AV reciever and connected devices and require me to do all sorts of tomfoolery with unplugging/replugging HDMI cables (and keeping the vero disconnected) until finally all sorted again then need to reconnect the vero and everything is hunky dory. These issues seem to me to be completely random - they usually happen after I have gone to bed and go to look at the vero the following day only to have these issues and I’ve finally decided to actually investigate…
The issue happened at approximately 2037/2038 today (29/12/2023) and because I was able to identify the timestamp I’ve produced a log upload:
which should hopefully help identify the issues. If you can provide any help at all it would be massively appreciated as sometimes it’s a colossal task to get all the handshakes working with each other!
2023-12-29 20:37:00.851 T:5566 error <general>: AML: no rw on /sys/module/amlvideodri/parameters/freerun_mode
2023-12-29 20:37:00.851 T:5566 error <general>: AML: no rw on /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_min_freq
2023-12-29 20:37:00.851 T:5566 error <general>: AML: no rw on /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_max_freq
2023-12-29 20:37:00.851 T:5566 error <general>: AML: no rw on /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor
2023-12-29 20:37:00.851 T:5566 error <general>: AML: no rw on /sys/module/di/parameters/bypass_prog
I was on another source and the TV switched source to the Vero at 2038 or so - so looking at the logs i might have accidentally missed a restart perhaps?
If there are any persistent logs I’m happy to go in and recover them too to help with troubleshooting?
Unbelievably luckily from a diagnosis perspective, had a minor recurrence today!
Screen covered by a semi-transparent green almost filter. Sometimes goes more opaque than this but today semi-transparent and not causing havoc with other HDMI connected devices.
You have some settings that are certainly not stock (like HPD).
As you can probably imagine there are not exact settings to look for for a situation like this and we don’t have common reports, so while I absolutely appreciate the logs, nothing is sticking out in an obvious manner.
Just to follow up - following that reboot it appeared to “Hijack” the ARC signal and required me to disconnect the HDMI and power off to allow the TV to continue sending audio to the ARC channel again… logs here: