Vero 4k+ remote not working properly


my Vero 4k+ have some problems with the remote control. It stops working randomly. It works for maybe 7 - 8 clicks than stops. I have to wait a couple of minutes, then it starts working for 7-8 clicks again. Well, the remote itself is probably working, cause its light comes on with every click, but the Vero unit doesn’t seem to get the signal. (yes, I have tried changing the battery)

My TV is LG Oled C1. I’m not sure if it’s the TV’s or the Vero’s error message coming on to the screen sometimes (very seldom). It says something about CEC, but it goes away so fast I can’t read it all. Besides, I’m not using CEC (if I’ve understood it properly. That is meant for using the TV’s remote to control Vero?)), but I use the remote control that came with Vero.

What could be wrong?

Did you try to re-pair the remote to the dongle?

Yes, I’ve tried that. But now I have changed the HDMI-cable and everything seems to be working normally again. Fingers crossed. : )
I will update here if the problem comes back.

I think that you probably got a bad connection on your dongle and it just happened to improve when you swapped your HDMI cable. In those logs you posted I see the dongle getting repeatedly initialized. If the problem comes back you can try unplugging and plugging back in a number of times the dongle to try to freshen the connection, or better still get yourself some electronics cleaner spray, disconnect the Vero and take it to somewhere chemical safe like a glass table or a concrete floor, and spray down the connections (on the Vero and dongle) and let it sit to dry for a few minutes before plugging it back in.

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Thank you and you are absolutely correct. The problem came back.
I have now cleaned it with electronic spray and air on box. I’ll wait a little more before turning it on again.
BTW, there are two USB ports on the unit. The second one is meant for a external hd and such, but can I use that instead, if it turns out there is something wrong with the port? I guess I’ll just try, no harm in that! : )

Absolutely correct. It makes no difference to the dongle which USB port it is connected to.

They are both USB2 ports - the dongle might have just been slightly loose or some dust had gotten in to it.

The cleaning didn’t help and it is the same error on the other port. That must mean it is the USB dongle that is damaged?

Possibly. Can you try it in a PC?

It seems to work fine on the PC. I’ve made a lot of “clicks” in a row now to test. Anything more to do/test?

If you have a USB extension cord or a USB hub I’d try putting that between the Vero and the dongle and see how you get on with that.

Thanks, that seems to work! At least for the brief test I did. I will come back tomorrow with a report on how it went.
Thank you to all!

Could be that your power supply is not stable / dying and can’t power the USB reliably. The 4K dongle only uses 50ma though, so I’d be doubtful unless you see other stability issues.

I was thinking more along the lines of either the connection getting weak, or else the electronics cleaner used didn’t do enough for oxides.

It still works with the powered USB-hub, so it must be something related to power. But I’m satisfied with that solution and will not be investigating it any further.
Thanks again!

Good to hear that at least a workaround was able to get you going. If you had used something other than DeoxIT you might consider picking yourself up a can of D5 and trying that. I’ve had it successfully clean connections that other electronic cleaning sprays didn’t.