Vero 4K+ Still Usb 2.0?

I want to be able to use my hardware as a general purpose low-power always on server with tv media stored locally and a media server.

I’m pretty sure we’d already meet that requirement, and I’d be surprised if you could saturate the USB bus with such tasks.

For now though, it’s USB2 only.

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I may still go ahead and get one. I am still sore about the time it took to restore a 3TB backup from my NAS when I got a new USB drive. But, that’s not a daily occurrance and most everything I would do routinely would be fine.
I like that the machine is purpose-built for the hardest part of the job – media server and a Pi 4 won’t be in my future as long as it doesn’t do 4K since usb3 is kind of nice-to-have not need-to-have, frankly.

Love the work you guys are doing and may get one anyway to show support. And, Christmas is coming…

I think a Vero 4k+ is a great lockdown holiday gift for the right person.

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That’s fair enough. To be honest, if you were to restore from a NAS to a USB drive, you’d be better off doing so from a PC or laptop. But as you say, this isn’t an everyday occurrence.