Vero & android play store and netflix coming soon?

any update on when android will be available for vero…

am I right in assuming that vero will function as a normal media player as well as allowing access to google play store to buy/rent films and also Netflix.

If so, this would be awesome and is what I am looking for…

The Vero android release is already available for testing. I’ll make it public when I get back from holiday

You can install Play but we are not Play licensed, so you would have to download and do it yourself


Brilliant. Look forward to it, thanks.
Will the media player side of it perform just like osmc on pi 2 (rc3) ? Match video frame rate etc…


You should not run Kodi via Android for performance reasons


I’m confused :neutral_face: I thought vero android was based on Kodi?

Vero uses OSMC which is based on Linux

We will ship an Android image for customers that wish to use Android Apps (APKs) but we still run Kodi through Linux for performance and functionality reasons


So will it boot into osmc Linux then when you select android app will switch across or vice versa?


At the moment, you will have to maintain the two separate installations. I will streamline them in the future, but there has not been too much demand so far, so we have worked on other things the users are more interested in.


Sounds good… Def what I’m looking for.
I take it Kodi in android is still not that great?


It is a tad, limited…

With OSMC, we manage your updates and give you the full power of Debian.

You can choose either and try them both of course when we release our Android image and make the decision yourself



Since the Vero2 has now been announced with Android support - will this also be available on the Vero 1st generation?

Android images have been available for Vero 1 for some time, but they are not maintained or officially supported.


So, when the Vero 2 site says “With Vero, you can switch between Android and OSMC right from your remote.” it sounds pretty official to me?
What will I have to do, to enable this feature on Vero 1? Does it work differently on Vero 2? Or is all that in testing now but scheduled for official release, when Vero 2 ships?


Now I see what you mean. The Vero 2 allows ‘switching’ because we have both internal (NAND) storage and an SD card slot, which makes the dual boot process much easier. On the original Vero, you would need to swap the SD card each time you wanted to swap between OSMC and Android.

Hope that clears it up


Hey Sam!
Thanks for the quick responses and that clears it up, yes. Since I’m eager to get Netflix working on the Vero I guess I’ll give that Android image a try.
Edit: Speaking of which - is it possible to download the image already? I can only find topics where you say that it’s in testing and that people should contact you, if they wanted to check it out. Could you send it to me please?

Sorry @sam_nazarko, could you please send me the Android image? Or is there any schedule for when it should be released?

Will it be possible to play HD streams in Netflix, or are they limited to 480p on the Vero 2?

Oh, is it currently limited to 480p?

Along with this thread, I get the impression the Android build has been mothballed. Do you still have builds you’re willing to let people try, or is that asking too much maintenance for little return? Thanks