Vero V - ALSA errors every second

Hello and happy holidays!

I was trying to debug a problem where no audio seem to be coming out of my Vero V. After a restart the audio is working again (maybe even unrelated to this?), but I’m seeing a bunch of errors being thrown every second to kodi’s log:

2023-12-24 11:55:46.395 T:2975     info <general>: CActiveAESink::OpenSink - initialize sink
2023-12-24 11:55:46.395 T:2975     info <general>: CAESinkALSA::Initialize - Requested layout FL, FR
2023-12-24 11:55:46.395 T:2975     info <general>: CAESinkALSA::Initialize - set digital codec 0
2023-12-24 11:55:46.395 T:2975     info <general>: CAESinkALSA::Initialize - Attempting to open device "default"
2023-12-24 11:55:46.398 T:2975     info <general>: CAESinkALSA - Unable to open device "default" for playback
2023-12-24 11:55:46.398 T:2975    error <general>: CAESinkALSA::Initialize - failed to initialize device "default" with params  even for stereo
2023-12-24 11:55:46.399 T:2975     info <general>: CAESinkALSA::Initialize - Requested layout FL, FR
2023-12-24 11:55:46.399 T:2975     info <general>: CAESinkALSA::Initialize - set digital codec 0
2023-12-24 11:55:46.399 T:2975     info <general>: CAESinkALSA::Initialize - Attempting to open device "default"
2023-12-24 11:55:46.402 T:2975     info <general>: CAESinkALSA - Unable to open device "default" for playback
2023-12-24 11:55:46.402 T:2975    error <general>: CAESinkALSA::Initialize - failed to initialize device "default" with params  even for stereo
2023-12-24 11:55:46.402 T:2975    error <general>: CActiveAESink::OpenSink - no sink was returned
2023-12-24 11:55:46.402 T:2974    error <general>: ActiveAE::InitSink - returned error

Here’s full logs produced via “grab-logs -A”:

Everything seems to be working now, but seeing those errors I assume something’s not right.

Thank you very much!

You could change the audio device under Settings → Audio.
It shouldn’t be ‘ALSA: default’.

Did you restore a backup from another device?


I’m not sure why you are getting those errors but you have audio output channels set to 4.0 which is unusual. Even if you had an AVR and only 4 speakers, it would be best to output 5.1 or 7.1 and let the AVR do the downmixing. For output to your TV only, set channels to 2.0 and turn off passthrough.

Audio output should be just fine set to Default (AML-AUGESOUND: HDMI, S/PDIF & analogue).

At some point after a couple hours it stopped spamming the logs… I didn’t do anything, so not sure what happened.

I didn’t restore any backup, nor configure the channels. This is literally a Vero V out of the box with the media sources configured and nothing else (and I’m extremely grateful and happy for such a good experience!! :smiley: )

I’ll keep monitoring it to see if I can isolate what triggered it. Thanks both!!