Vero V crashing

I was jumping the gun, can we (you) hold off until I install this and then give it a few days. Don’t want you to ship a replacement unneccesarily.


Appreciate that,

Given the issues you are experiencing, I’d be more than happy to just get you a new unit.
If you’re not experiencing issues with your previous device, I think you’ve just been unlucky.

There’s always one device that slips through the net.

System is up and running. Have done nothing fancy, just added my movie and tv show locations and did a scan. Everything poplated, will try a show after supper and then let it idle overnight and see the outcome.

Cheers, Al

Did the device start flashing blue LED on/off as expected to indicate the flash was done?
And when you booted it up, you went through the initial walkthrough again?

If so – the device was properly reimaged.


Yes, got the blinking blue light, went to the default startup screen to select language, timezone etc. Will give you an update in the am. Thanks for all the help on this, I greatly appreciate it.


The system would have been completely reinstalled then with a low level eMMC (internal storage) format. There are integrity checks for each partition written, so it looks like a good restore.

But let’s see if things persist that way


Hi Sam, I was going through the menu to select a show, got the happy face and then it tried to restart 3 times, 4th time it got to the GUI. I rebooted out of an abundance of caution and started a movie and it froze within the first 5 minutes. I then tried a 2nd show which did the same thing. Both these movies I have played before both on the 4k+ and once on the V when I had it working. I did another full re install and that is how the unit sits now.

I think at this juncture it is best we proceed with the replacement. Can you please have one shipped and I will return this one when you confirm shipment of the replacement.

As always, Cheers

I agree – let’s continue via the support ticket system