Vero V missing keypresses & pairing other osmc remote

Hi Sam, I still haven’t been contacted. Thanks.

I have re-sent the message.

Thank you very much. Can I also say than you for your response to this - anyone can have issues, it is how they are responded to that is the mark of great customer service.


Hi, I ordered up Vero 5 when first released and suffered from the remote key press issue, but been using Logitech Harmony so all good. However, would be great to have a properly working OSMC remote, so would like to be included for the dongle offer as well, if possible. Thanks.

Edit - will contact you with my order number…

I also have the issue with the remote not working properly. Order #48386 if that’s needed.

I have contacted you


I will now close this thread three days after the last reply. As promised, anyone that posted here by 11th February (and the few extra who reported here) have the opportunity to receive replacement hardware free of charge and also receive a discount here for additional Vero devices.

Unfortunately I found a couple of threads online where people have been abusing this to receive discounted devices.

As such, further requests will be handled via support privately on a case by case basis. For some time our remote and Vero V has shipped with a newer model of the receiver and as such any new orders ship with the improved solution

Thanks for your understanding


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