Vero V missing keypresses & pairing other osmc remote

The new dongle works pretty well in most cases plugged directly into the device. If there is some kind of interference issue still hanging it off an extension can get you extended range. The policy is, and will continue to be to discourage everyone from opening their device. Not only would this void the warranty, but it isn’t all that difficult to damage the wifi and/or bluetooth antenna’s when you open it as the cables are quite short and delicate.

That’s good to hear. Please let me know when the time comes so that I can exchange contact details with you or the reseller (if this company still handles it).

In this context: It concerns me regarding the Vero V warranty, that there is obviously no longer any cooperation between you and Welectron. How are buyers who bought the Vero V from Welectron protected in the case of a hardware problem? Do you still support your former reseller with spare parts so that any warranty claims can be processed? If it doesn’t, I will have to return my device to Welectron immediately. Please provide clarification. Maybe in an extra thread. Thank you!

Is there a way “how to register for the replacement dongle”?

I have never complained the faulty dongle, because my understanding was that the problem is known and will be solved and I did not want to flood the forum with another thread . So, how to proceed?

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Likewise, and in fact currently for me it isn’t an issue as I’m mainly using a Harmony, but the original remote does miss some keypresses and I’d like to make sure that if I go back to the original remote in the future it’ll work without the misses. I would not mind paying costs (assuming they are reasonable :slight_smile:) in order to be “future proofed”.

I believe, Sam has clarified this already:

Thank you, it takes away my worries about the warranty.

Thanks for this information. However, shipping from GB, import taxes and customs were not my issue here. Usually I like to buy from a local dealer.

I have ordered directly, not from a distributor.

As others have stated I have not chimed in as I’ve seen the team is working on a fix. Other than Ethernet cable and power cable I don’t have anything plugged into my Vero V (so no USB3 devices) but still have frequent missed keypresses from the remote.

Also own a first gen Vero 4k and never had a problem like this with the remote.

Look forward to hearing what the plan is.

I’m in the exact same boat - no USB3 devices anywhere near my V and it has replaced a 4+ in exactly the same environment that never had one issue at all. Misses about 30%ish of presses.
I’d be seriously concerned if a clear manufacturing fault required the end user to pay for the fix, especially after such a short time.

Likewise; bought a Vero V in th US directly from the OSMC store briefly after release. I don’t use any USB devices, have good line of sight, and yet I frequently get random intervals where the remote input just doesn’t get picked up.

Had been watching this thread waiting to see how this would be resolved.

I also have this issue, I am using the 4k+ remote and dongle until the fix comes out. I don’t use any of the USB ports, although the unit is behind my center channel speaker. The 4k+ and the V with the 4k+ remote and dongle work fine in that location.

I’ve been somewhat reading this. Confused about one thing. My remote definitely misses pushes and when it does, it misses forever (until I stop pushing anything for say 3-5 seconds). Then it works again. I do not use ANY USB devices on the Vero V. Perhaps this is a different problem than what is reported here?

My plan is to control Kodi via remote api calls instead. I believe api “keypresses” can do anything kodi remote can do.

Most likely the same issue. The current model remotes receiver is more sensitive to interference than the model that preceded it. For most users this isn’t an issue if they are not using any USB 3 devices that exacerbate the issue, but it can still happen. The soon to be released upgraded dongle should bring the range and reliability to on par with the previous model.

The remote is just sending keyboard keypresses’ and those are mapped to action id’s and the json-rpc can send all the same action id’s, so yes.

Well, I kept my Vero 4K+ mounted to the back of my entertainment center using the included bracket and I never tried to see how far away I could get because it never missed a press anywhere within my living room, dining room, or kitchen, all areas from which I can see my TV, so I wouldn’t know what distance to halve from to even begin testing that.
When I got the V I was bummed that there was no mounting option, but no big deal, I just put it on the entertainment center behind my center channel speaker.
That didn’t work at all.
So I put it on the right side of my entertainment center with line of sight, which worked but had many missed inputs.
After seeing the post saying results were a little better to the left I relocated it to the left and it was subjectively better.
Still misses inputs but a little better.
This is all with a direct line of sight, nothing in between the front of the V and the front of the remote.
Even with this setup, anything beyond 6 feet will start producing missed inputs.
I can plug the old 4K+ dongle in, place the V behind my center channel speaker, and there will be no missed inputs from as far away as my kitchen.

I can’t even make the old 4K+ miss inputs.

Like others I have not posted as I knew a fix was on its way. It would be a good idea to be able to register for a replacement dongle

Will I be able to plug the dongle in the external USB? I don’t use any of them, and I’d rather not open the Vero. Thank you Sam!


I have also not complained on this forum, knowing there was a fix in the works.
I even ordered it less than a month ago with the trust it would be fixed. Occasionally I have the issue when going through the menu’s, which is annoying. I have a usb stick for storage plugged in, wondering if that is affecting it.
How much is the fix going to be? I guess I will need to pay… :frowning:

You reported it here so no…

As we are talking about only the dongle and not the remote itself the cost will be very little.

I guess I will need to pay…

You reported it here so no…

Oh, that’s good news, thanks…

On another note, I was considering purchasing a second unit, will the dongle be an extra option, or included with the unit on future purchases? Thanks