Vero V - purchasing questions, HDR formats

I responded incorrectly on my part – I meant to @chillbo thanks for confirming the behaviour.

Got my Vero V today.

What’s with terminal input freezes?

SSH via putty from my Windows 11 - every ~10 seconds terminal input freezes for ~5 seconds :face_with_diagonal_mouth: I work with SSH daily, first time I see this type of problem.

How is the device connected to the network?

I use SSH for my Vero V as well, works without issues here. This is connected by ethernet by the way.

Vero V is connected via WIFI at the moment.

How’s playback over WiFi? I wonder if you have some interference.

Any USB3 devices attached?

2.4G or 5G WiFi?


Other issues:

  • remote button presses not responsive, sometimes for 5-10 seconds - will try to use dongle tomorrow to see if it resolves issues, no USB devices attached to Vero V (this might be connected to my terminal freezes?)
  • sluggish UI in Aeon Nox Silvo especially when 4K resolution is used, going with 1080p means no upscaling for 1080p and 720p videos, correct?
  • no centre channel (dialog) on downmixed sound; my Samsung Q70R supports only DD and DD+, I enabled passthrough in Sound settings and selected the following:

AC3 - Yes, E-AC3 - Yes, the rest - No.
Channels - 5.1 (old Sony RT4)
Output Configuration - Best Match (tried all of options)
Maintain Original Volume on downmix - Yes
Boost Centre Channel when downmixing - 0db or 30db results in the same; no dialog/centre channel
Resample Quality - medium

No dialog/centre channel affects Dolby TrueHD, DTS, DTS-HD. I get full 5.1 sound from DD and DD+.

Also, tried to disable HDMI HPD under display and rebooted but this doesn’t help.


It will.

No – if you set the resolution to 1080p but have ‘Adjust Refresh Rate’ enabled, we will switch to 4K automatically when you play 4K content.

Please see Audio hardware and software configuration - General - OSMC. If you upload a set of logs via My OSMC we should be able to check if your settings are optimal.

This is only needed under some very specific scenarios. You should not need to touch this setting


I’d guess you probably need to set channels to 2.0 to fix that no center channel problem. You can then enable AC3 transcoding in the passthrough options to allow other formats to pass surround sound through a limited audio connection.

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