Vero V Remote Not working

My Vero V remote suddenly stopped working after reboot, replaced battery, tried pairing again (when pairing blue light on remote stays on for long time) re-pairing doesn’t work.
Using the remote & dongle from my Vero 4K + works.
Have tried everything suggested in other posts but to no avail.
My Order Number was 47588 21/11/23.

Can you be of any assistance please.

I suggest posting a log so we can see if the receiver is detected

URL for log

Note - this was with the vero 4k+ usb reciever plugged in & using 4k+ remote.
Thank You

Can you remove it, reboot and upload a log?


URL for new log

Your log still seems to show the OSMC remote from the Vero 4K present.


Tried again & made sure usb dongle not present, URL for log

I can see the dongle is not showing up.
If you send an email to with your order details and a link to this thread I can get you a new receiver out today



Thank you Sam for all your kind assistance, excellent service

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hello not to open a new topic, I yesterday received my Vero V and installed it today, this morning the remote was working but after doing an update to 2024.10-1 it stopped working.

I saw two peripherals before the update, now after the update just the CEC Adapter, has it something to do with that?
Remote is working and emits blue light when a button is pressed.

Under My OSMC → remotes I tried to add osmc-remote-lircd but that didn’t work, any ideas on how to get this working again?

logs are here

Have you tried reinstalling OSMC?

Have you tried re-pairing the remote?

Thanks for the very fast reply

No didn’t re-install OSMC yet.
repairing yes tried that pressed the ok and home button for quite a few seconds yet.

Which version / release would you advise to put on the Vero V I am now as said on 2024.10, the initial version was older than that.

PS : If I ordered directly from you should I still register for warranty ?

There is no need to register a warranty for a direct sale. Just keep the order number as a reference.

No particular recommendation of a version to reinstall. If you still have issues then contact with a link to this post,

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