Vero V return

Dear support

Being very disappointed with the Vero V (functionality, overheating, crash and problem) I sent an email to support at to return the product.

How long should we wait to get a response? I strive to stay within the contractual deadlines, i.e. 28 days.

I want to avoid any response like ‘it’s too late dear customer’ :slight_smile:



I’m sorry to hear this.

When did you send the email? I want to make sure it has been received

You can return the product for any reason within 14 days of receipt. With faults you have
a 1 year international warranty.

I am confident we can get any issue you are experiencing solved for you.

I haven’t had a chance to check emails today (Thursday) but am up to date on all emails sent Wednesday. I will check today’s emails shortly.

I am surprised to hear the device is overheating and it would be good if you could provide some evidence of that




I have received your email dated 24th July 5.50PM and have responded today at 26th July 1.15AM. You reported that you would like to return the device after the return period (ordered in June) and you have not reported any issues until now.

You have stated that you have opened your Vero 4K device and modified the cooling solution and you also have to store it in a bin to keep it cool. I don’t know what that means. But no one is storing their device in bins…

You state that the Vero V uses the same cooling solution and suggest that you have also opened it. We haven’t got reports of overheating on this forum for either Vero 4K or Vero V. You’ve stated that the Mali GPU is underpowered for video playback, but it does not handle video playback. Vero V has significantly improved video playback capabilities over its predecessors.

I see no support requests opened to date about this device. So for you to open it and start modifying it is odd. I can see from your post history on this forum that we have asked for logs when you have reported issues with your Vero 4K/4K+ before and you have not responded.

You claim it uses an ‘old chip’ but the full specs are listed on our website. The ‘old chip’ is significantly faster than the Vero 4K which you are happy with.

As a gesture of good will I have offered you an option to return the device for a full refund, despite it being out of the return period if you change your mind.

But it must be in its original condition. If you have modified it, we will not issue a refund. From your post here it is obvious that you simply ordered the device, changed your mind and want to just keep your Vero 4K running. That’s fine, but some of your claims are absolutely false, like stating there are no Kodi updates (there are) or that it doesn’t have enough memory (RAM is 4GB; Vero 4K is 2GB).

I am sorry that this device has not met your requirements. Once again – if the device has been opened or modified in any way, you will not receive a refund. We are already doing you a service by allowing you to return this unit outside of the standard return period when it simply sounds like you changed your mind.


Dear Sam

No you deform mainly what I said, to be clear for all readers and towards you

  • True : I wrote this email with a bit of amertume
  • False : I never said the Vero 5 used the same disspipator than 4K/4K+. I said that it suffers of overheating. This is totally different. How i can say that ?
  • I spent 50% of the life of my vero 4K+ with a a saucepan (and not a bin, sorry for my english), put over it to cool it.
  • Problems started when I massively migrated from h.264 to h.265 which is more ‘Soc’ Intensive
  • Heat problems were FULLY solved with my self made heat sink (made of a true heat sink with fins and a 50mm blower, set @ 4.3V)
    SO, I highly suspect Vero 5 has the same problem but as an evidence, to return it to you I did not open it. I would be pleased to, but it would void warranty. In fact I would be also very please so we get picture of the cooling system and not commercial outsides.
    Why ? Because I never saw and in my life is long in this domain, such a poor dissipator on a SoC that emmit true heatness (case of Vero 4K+)
  • There is a 5mm heatpad, this totally insane.
  • The heatsink is a single aluminium plate, heatness can’t be disspated.
  • 20% of the heatpad touch ‘nothing’ beacuse in contact with the support screw
    This has to be known

From the short tests I did with Vero V playing high bitrate h.265 (>100Mbps) and AV1 files, the SoC heats a lot from 80°C to 90°C, that’s too my mind too much. Also it did not play flawlessly 192 khz 24b audio track. From all the devices I own, SHIELD is the only one to do it properly.

I did reports (may be multi login) by the past and did read many posts realtive to 4K+ problems. What I’ve learnt is : Do it yourself as such devloppement is in constant evolution and will never be as rock stable as an UNIX distribution.

By the end I fully appreciate your move and considering my problem with accepting my return. I did bought by past 4K and 4K+ because you are/were really serious.

I was hopping much from Vero 5, and sadly it is much below from my expectation.

  • It agonizes getting a fluent GUI 4K/60 fps and high resolution posters.

The bundle will be returned with 2 hours used contition. The case is absolutely unopened, and I also added your genuine Vero 4K+ HDMI cable complementary to Vero 5 HDMI cable that has been unrolled. I can’t do better. Everything else is in brand new conditions.
Indeed I return it to you at my fees wihin 28 days starting reception with “change my mind on the product” conditions terms.

I know my video players environnements may be not like all others. My minimals t° are something like 27°C minimals up to 40°C, hardware need extra cooling, even my AVC has extra cooling, so I don’t flame OSMC. I am just questioning about some points, and decided to not follow the adventure with you anymore, that’s all.

I did build a RDNA 2 + 5600X + 3200CAS14 DDR4 + 2.5 GB LAN as main high end video player and it litteraly blows Vero V which has a dedicated hardware which is not the case of either my CPU or GPU.

My source is not shit USB drive or local drive, it is a RAID5 24TB server, with 20GB LAN, 640MBs drives throuputs. We can definitely exclude it from the equation.
(I’ve got better result over 2.5 Gbps LAN players than with 1 Gbps ones in all cases, did tried all buffer / cache combinations)

I lately test you vero V because of being perusaed that it will rocks, but to my mind / opinion, it does not.

I orientate my tests now to massively watercooled o/c Pi5, because SHIELD suffers of only one thing : fast forward/backard outside of chapters. It turned mad since Kodi 21.
As for now Android libraries performs better than x86/x64.
Do not know enough about ARM architecture / Kodi

So receive my best regards from a 10 years loyal customer.

I think you are confused about some the of the requirements regarding heat

It should not in any way be necessary. I haven’t seen anyone else post on this forum making such (I don’t even know how) modifications to the heatsink using a saucepan.

Both H264 and HEVC are hardware accelerated by the same VPU decode block. Playback of HEVC over H264 is not more intensive.

That is an active cooling system, i.e. a fan. That is not needed for operation of the device.

I think the problem is that you think it’s too much. I am not sure why. At that temperature the Vero will not even be throttled by the thermal governor. Vero 4K + alone can run at 120C without an issue. So your system will not be performing any slower at these temperatures and will not be turning itself off (safety mechanism built in) either.

The Vero V has an improved heatsink, and we have further improvements planned for the cooling design. However for both models the case is meant to act as a large heatsink, so it may feel physically warm to the touch.

This is a support forum for people that need help with OSMC. You will naturally find people posting with issues here. Our goal is to get as many of those issues fixed as quickly as possible for people.

You can run the GUI at 4K (we only recently added this functionality); and some skins will perform better than others.

You are comparing a desktop system (with significantly higher cost) which has a GPU (and VPU) to an embedded ARM platform. It is not a reasonable comparison.

Something is definitely not right in your environment. The highest 4K UHD specification is 128Mbps. You do not need 2.5GB PHY to play 4K content smoothly. If you do, then there is something wrong. We are happy to take a look at this and help improve things for you.

I don’t really know what to say. I don’t think many people are watercooling their Raspberry Pi devices in a typical use case. I can certainly see no benefit for media playback.

My advice to you would be to get a desktop environment for £££ with watercooling, but be aware of limitations regarding HDR10+, Dolby Vision etc on x86_x64 platforms.


This is much thicker than most thermal pads you find in computers, and the thicker the thermal pad the lower the thermal transfer rate. This is true, but, the question of if it is suitable (insane) would be if it meets the requirements or not. The processor in the Vero’s are using just a couple watts of electricity. They don’t need the same level of thermal dissipation that something like a high power GPU would need. Every microprocessor has a thermal limit that it is designed to operate in. If a thermal solution is able to keep the chip within its limits while performing the tasks that the device is designed to perform, then the thermal solution is adequate. If you upsize your thermal solution above this the only real world benefit would be slightly more efficient power usage. However if the upgraded thermal solution is using a fan then there will be a net negative power efficiency as the fan is certainly going to consume more power than will be reduced by running the microprocessor cooler.

Fins are not any kind of determining factor of if something is a heatsink or not. They increase the surface area over a flat plate plate with the same footprint, and the surface area is normally the primary factor in how well an object radiates heat, but a flat plate of a given surface area is going to have similar radiating characteristics to one that is folded up.

The current model isn’t aluminum. I would have thought this to be quite obvious to someone so well versed in thermal management.


Indeed. Although the customer is out of the return period I am happy to make an exception, particularly if they are not happy with the device. I don’t want someone spending money on something they can’t utilise


Amazing that Sam is honouring the return when the user clearly states that the Vero V is not comparable to their RDNA 2 + 5600X + 3200CAS14 DDR4 system!


I wrote it to you about it.

Would you be so kind to reply to the question in that mail ?

Indeed I am really delighted with this customer service that you provide

Best regards

Well …

Thanks for spending that much time for answer, I really appreciate.

You said SoC may run up to 120°C. If the die will effectively still live when reaching that. All others components around will be fried.
Indeed my 4K+ may got a problem very soon that I did not solved quickly enough, but as I said I got ‘alsmost’ the same problem with V, that’s why I requested return.

Also with an active cooling, my 4K+ stopped crashing, freezing aso, so I got definitively a heat problem. May be my problem is not for everyone, my in my case it was. My 4K+ is still running and very efficently on all my HEVC, same LAN, same Kodi params.

I do not handle UHD specification as I myself remaster my files, I can easily go ahead 128 Mbps, being not limited by physical support.
Again my 4K+ rox where my V didn’t. I did not want to make a sacndal around V, my expectations in terms of power were simply not met.

Watercooling Pi5 is for test purpose only to compare ARM vs x86 and Linux vs other OS
Doubling power of a Pi5 should be noticeable, but I do not from it to be a Cray

To other you can continue to flame me pages during, I have nothing to prove to you (and myself), EOS

Well I am graduated in that, and owner of many o/c records

Are you ?

But as said, I will not spent pages during here debating on this, Sam did the necessary and and I thank him for it

I have responded with the phone number needed for you to ship the item back.

Thank you very much

You’re really serious, this is undeniable

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They will not…

We have tested this

Sure they will not, I just said that in case of

You won’t get better quality by increasing the bitrate from the original source if you are encoding in the same format.

My sources are upgraded by AI

Of course I don’t have any 8K 4:4:4 masters, but I try to do my best without.
For now the results are more than conclusive but require crazy computing power.

Fortunately the decoding is not the same.

The return ended very well. I wanted to make this known publicly.