Vero V upgrade from Vero 4K, harmony hub?

Hello everybody,

Just a quick question:
I have a Vero 4K starting to go sluggish and I’m considering upgrading to Vero V. Is it easy to switch?
My greatest fears are the harmony hub - as I remember struggling setting this up, and tvheadend.

Since I’m a new dad, my time to poke around for a solution can run dry quickly…


Congrats on being a new dad :wink:
Can’t say for the Vero V, as it is at our summer residence.
But, the Vero V is practically using the same as the Vero 4K+, hence I suspect it should work fine.

PS: Vero 4 getting sluggish is usually a DB or other issue. Maybe you want to check what is happening inside? Check the process table/run “top” to see which process is using up resources.

You should be able to just select the same remote and pair it in Bluetooth and that’s it.

Thanks! I’ll try to improve the vero 4k, and switch to vero V as soon as I have the money :wink:

Have a good one!

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As a blind stab in the dark I’d suggest to ssh in and…

rm -r ~/.kodi/{temp,userdata/Thumbnails,userdata/Database/Textures13.db} && systemctl restart mediacenter

Thanks, I’ll try that tonight :slight_smile: