Vero V + Yatse

I would like to control Kodi via the Yatse app.

Is that even possible with Vero V?

The message appears in the Yatse app: The current renderer does not support remote control.

What can I do?

Yes it’s possible. Maybe you can show us a screenshot of the issue?

Is your Android device sitting on the same subnet as the Vero (ie neither is behind a VPN or one device using cellular data instead of wifi) and in Kodi you have settings>services>control> options set to enable control?

Everything is set up correctly and the remote control is activated in Kodi.

OSMC was found and recognized by Yatse.

All films are found in the library.

Only the remote control via Yatse is not available. The message appears in the Yatse menu: The current renderer does not support remote control.

That sounds like your issue is something to do with Yatse then. Have you tried looking over on their forum for a solution?

Check again and ensure everything is enable as in this screenshots

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