Vero4K + Dies on occasion

Hi All

Ive had this a few times now. What occurs is when you switch the TV on, you can hear the Vero moving through the menus but theres no picture.

I have this through a yamaha 3070 avr. I’ve tried power cycling the AVR, TV and changing inputs - none of this works.

The only solution is to reset the Vero.

Any thoughts?


To get a better understanding of the problem you are experiencing we need more information from you. The best way to get this information is for you to upload logs that demonstrate your problem. You can learn more about how to submit a useful support request here.

So, in summary:

  • activate the logging
  • reboot the OSMC device
  • reproduce the issue
  • upload the log set either using the Log Uploader method within the My OSMC menu in the GUI or the ssh method invoking command grab-logs -A
  • publish the provided URL from the log set upload, here

Thanks for your understanding. We hope that we can help you get up and running again shortly.

Hi Tom,

Sure, however I cant replicate the issue. Its random - can logging stay on indefinitely and the unit be used until it occurs?


Yes, but the log file will likely end up too large to be shared by a our current paste method, and/or too large to be reasonably scrutinized by human eyes.

Turn off any screen saves you may have. Next time it does this, instead of resetting the Vero you could log in via ssh and try to restart Kodi. Have you tried a different HDMI cable?

Details regarding how to access the command line interface can be found here on our Wiki: Accessing the command line - General - OSMC

To restart kodi:

$ sudo systemctl restart mediacenter
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Thank you, just restarting the media centre is a great suggestion rather than resetting the whole box!

Ive tried different HDMI cables, yes.

Do you use CEC? While I’ve never had a ‘no video’ issue, I on occasion get a no CEC (remote) problem. Switching to another source and back always fixes it.

How is the Vero connected? Vero -> AVR -> TV, or Vero -> TV -> AVR(ARC)

Go to Settings -> Display and enable ‘HPD Lock’ and reboot.

Vero – AVR – TV

Thanks Sam , ill try that too.

Does this happen after the Yamaha is switched off/on, or totally random?

You mean the lack of picture on the screen? Totally random. Its happened 3-4 times. Nothing fixes it but a reboot of the Vero. Instead of rebooting the Vero, ill try the restart of Kodi instead.

Ive configured OpenHab to send the reboot command as above so ill give that a whirl!

That will be good to know if a restart of Kodi fixes it. Will help narrow down where the problem is.

We may need to ask you to connect the Vero directly to the TV, to make sure the Yamaha isn’t the cause. (And I’d hope that is not as my current Yamaha replaced a 20+ year old one that worked flawlessly, except the time I had a leak in the roof on my house that for hours while I was at work poured directly into the Yamaha. After drying out and some cleaning to gave me 15+ more years of service!) As you can guess, I’m a Yamaha fan :smiley:

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I occasionally see this with my Yamaha. Switching to another input and back fixes it for me.

Hi @sam_nazarko ,

what is the purpose of HPD Lock? It happens ranbomly that I put my Vero 4K+ in suspend mode (by using power menu of turning my TV off) and when I turn my TV on there is no way to wake him up, only by unplugging it from the power source.
My unit is attached directly to my TV by a premium HDMI cable. Do you think HDP Lock can solve my issue?

HPD Lock will lock the EDID and ignore hotplug events.

I’ll give it a shot

is the HPD change a fix for the screen disappearing or the fact CEC doesnt work Sam?

Screen disappearing as a guess.

Really need logs though.